Evelyn Wright

Kelvin was cheating on her. He was not only cheating on her but doing so with her house maid. Her housemaid of all people? She had woken up in the middle of the night to pee and he wasn’t by her side. They had gone to bed at the same time and she had fallen asleep almost immediately. Where could he be? In panic, she had called his number but the phone rang right beside the pillow on his side of the wide bed.  He had been behaving weird lately and she couldn’t understand this enigma he had become. Frantic with fear, she hurried out of their bedroom and went downstairs. Who could she talk to? She didn’t want to wake any of their parents up unnecessarily. 

She headed for the boyz quarter where the maids and security guard stayed. As she raised her hand to knock on Belema’s door, the noises hit her and she paused, listening. It was actually moans from couples in the throes of passion. Had Belema brought a man into her house? That would be the height of insolence. She didn’t deserve such disrespect from the younger girl. Gripping the doorknob, she pushed the door open and stepped in. She froze in shock. 

This wasn’t happening again. Dear God! Kelvin’s hip was shooting in and out like a piston between Belema’s laps  and the latter was screaming in pleasure. They didn’t even notice her presence. She closed the door quietly and went back to the main house like someone in a trance. 

When was the last time he even touched her, talk less of making love? She couldn’t remember. Snippets of his clandestine activities outside their matrimonial home had reached her on many occasions but she had chosen to ignore them and hoped they weren’t true. Now, he had brought it to her doorstep and she was clueless about what to do about it. 

Her heart hurt so much, her ego and pride was bruised and her shoulder drooped as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders. What was she going to do? If she sought for  divorce, would she find another man who would look twice at her again, talkless of dating or marrying her? She was just a year from 40 , fat and ugly as they came and life seemed so bleak at the moment. Tears leaked from the corner of her closed eyelids and she flicked it off with a manicured finger.

“We are here, Eve.” She could feel Ayoola’s gaze on her and she lowered her head to hide her face. She wished the floor would open and swallow her. She hated being vulnerable in public. “Here, take this and freshen up. I will wait outside for you. ” He was holding out a bottle of water and a clean face towel to her.

“Thank you.” Her voice was croaky as she took the item from him. He opened the door and stepped out. Her gaze followed his figure. The dark brown denim combat shorts he wore encased strong, powerful, legs which ended in a pair of brown sneakers and the light brown shirt he wore over his inner vest, was flying in the wind. Fine hair covered his exposed body. He was as dark as Kelvin was fair in complexion but he was a finer man with a kind and responsible attitude. He didn’t look like a Cabman. He looked like the rich and successful youngman that he was and she envied any woman who belonged to him. There was a pang in her chest and the urge to bury her head in the pillow and just howled her eyes out, almost overwhelmed her. Maybe if she had waited a little bit, instead of rushing into marriage with Kelvin, she would have been luckier. She sighed, cleaned up her face and stepped out onto the sandy floor.

They were in a parking space of a private beach and he came to lock the car door after her. The cool ocean wind blew over them as he led her to a breakfast café. She breathed in clear, cleansing air and it cleared the headache that was beginning to brew at the front of her head.

“Breakfast first.” He pulled out a straight back cane chair for her.

She sat down as she looked around her with curiosity and interest, “I love this place. It is beautiful and charming. How did you discover it?”

“That is my little secret.” His grin was quick and infectious. “What do you want for breakfast? Waffles or pancakes with coffee?” 

“None of the above.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust. “It is part of the habits that are gradually destroying my marriage.” She mentioned the last part under her breath, but he heard her.

“Self-pity is not going to do you any good. It will worsen your state of mind. Do you want a bowl of fruit salad and Greek yoghurt?” 

“I learned Greek yoghurt is not sweet, right?” She peered at him under her eyelashes. His lips twitched with amusement.

“Choose your battle, madam. It is either sweet unhealthy food or not too sweet healthy food. Which is it?” 

“Bowl of fruit and Greek yoghurt.” She visibly squared her shoulder. “You can go ahead and have a good laugh.” She waved her hand at him. 

He laughed softly as he gestured to the girl behind the bar. She came over with a friendly smile and took their orders. 

“How do you know so much about healthy food?” Evelyn sat back.

“My younger sister, Gbemi, is a weight loss freak. She cooked only healthy food for us when she was staying with me. We were all glad to see her back when she got married.” He laughed softly. Gbemisola was his younger sister and only sibling. He had sacrificed a lot to see her go through school and he never regretted the fact that he gave up his university education so she could become a graduate. She was a Clinical Nutritionists & Dietitian.

Their orders were brought five minutes later.

“You miss her.” She dug into her bowl of fruit and was surprised to realise she enjoyed it. The yoghurt was another matter indeed. He had a good laugh at her expense.

“I miss her. We all do, actually. We talked regularly though. She called me this morning on her way to work. She and mum took joy in yabbying me about my single status.”

“Why haven’t you married by the way?” 

“Hmmm. That is a loaded question. It takes a lot to get married. The right partner, financial security, maturity, and a whole lot of stuff.” His gaze settled briefly on her before he shrugged and swallowed the last drop of coffee. “Do you want to go for a walk?” 

“Yes, I am ready. I feel so full.” She sounded surprised.

“Did you think otherwise?” He grinned as he picked up the bill that was tucked discreetly in the flower vase on the table and replaced it with cash.

“You should have let me pay.” She began.

“I brought you to this place, so it is my treat.” His voice brooked no argument as he tucked his wallet into the back pocket and dipped his hands leisurely into his pockets.

Wow. That was a first. She had always been the one who picked up the bill whenever she went out with her friends or boyfriends in the past. It was the same way in the few times she had hung out with Kelvin and she didn’t think much about it until now. Evelyn studied his profile closely as they walked out into the windy morning.  In her entire lifetime, no man had ever paid for her meal except her father. It was always the other way round, and it never occurred to her to question it because she could afford it. Who was this man who was challenging the status quo in her belief?

They were walking side by side and she unconsciously slipped her palm into his bigger one. He thread his fingers through hers and a sense of peace settled over her, despite the turbulence going on in her heart.

“Tell me about yourself, Ayoola. What do you do when you are not working so hard?”

“See the kettle calling the pot black. I am not working as hard as you do. I feel like a lazy idiot when I see how much you work.” He grinned at her ,eliciting a smile from her.

“You can’t blame me. Work is the only way I found Joy but I need to step out more.” There was sadness in her smile. 

“Yes, that is right. How about a karaoke night on friday?” He glanced down at her.

“I can’t sing to save my life.” She laughed and his grin flashed again.

“Well, it is not for singers. Karaoke is for normal people like us who croak like a frog when we are singing.” She laughed so hard that she clutched her jiggly stomach in the process.

“I am in. Can I bring Titilola along? She will love it.” She had better go with a chaperon before she found herself crawling into his laps and asking for a kiss. 

“The more the merrier. I will get our tickets before I come over to your office to get you guys.”  

“It is a deal. Thank you.” She squeezed his hand in gratitude. If anyone told her she would have a reason to laugh today, she wouldn’t believe it. He was so good for her. He only smiled and kept walking with slow purposeful strides that she had no difficulty in following, yet a sheen of sweat covered her forehead. She felt so good.  “Will you be my gym instructor?”

“Why do you need one?” He didn’t break his stride as he stared ahead.

“Are you pulling my legs? Can’t you see this ugly fat body that is my nemesis?” She retorted sharply.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with your body. It is your self-esteem you should work on.”

“Are you serious?” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously on him.

“You are beautiful.” He finally stopped walking and looked at her.

“You sound . . . sincere.”  Her mouth dropped in surprise as she stared at him.

“Because it is the truth.” He smiled. 

He had a beautiful smile. It lit up his face and did funny things to her stomach. Why hadn’t she noticed it before now? She snapped her mouth shut and kept walking.

“It is the truth, Eve. The truth about life is that we are never satisfied with the way we are. Thank goodness that we are not created like a tree that can’t move. Well, even the tree can sway in the wind. If you aren’t satisfied with the way or where you are, you can change it. Use your brain.” 

“Thank you.”

“You are welcome. I will link you with Gbemi if you like. By the time she is done with you, you will look at your image in the mirror and won’t recognise yourself again.” He grimaced. 

She giggled with delight. “I would love that. Thank you. I am going to need your gym training service as well.”

“I truly hope you won’t change your mind and hate me thoroughly at the end of the first session.” His voice teasing. 

She scowled at him. “Try me first. I may be full of fat, but I am stronger than I look. Please send me your rates.”

“We have a deal. Come over to the gym whenever you are ready and if you prefer to use the one in your house, do let me know. It is well equipped as well.” He squinted against the rising sun. “Shall we go back now? Are you in the mood to work now?”

“Thank you for a beautiful morning.” 

They turned around simultaneously and headed back to the car park.

“Why do men cheat?” She asked out of the blue.

“We cheat because we lack self-discipline. We cheat because we can get away with it and will never be held accountable for it. We do this because women will always manufacture excuses to justify our irresponsible actions.” He turned to grin at her.

“That is so disgusting.” She walked around the car and slid into the passenger’s seat. He opened the driver’s side door and did the same.


Ayoola Faleke

“Chike, you are on your own tonight. I am visiting Island Breeze tonight for their Karaoke.” He had been looking forward to Friday all week and now it was here. He felt like a teenager going on his first date.

“You deserve the break, boss. I will manage Femi like that.” Femi was the part-time newcomer Ayoola just recruited to take the pressure off Chike, especially on weekends. The young boy was still a student and could only work on weekends. “Where are the ladies? Kemisola has been checking in all week but she always meets your absence.”

Kemisola was the last babe he dated and they had gone their separate ways amicably but recently she had been coming around and wanted him to give their relationship another chance. Ayoola had been avoiding her. Her office was close to his bar and it was easy for her to pop in unannounced. It was beginning to irritate him. 

“I will go and get the ticket and pick them up afterwards. See you when I do.” 

“My regards to Aunty Evelyn.” Chike’s smile was teasing and he gave him a mock glare before leaving the bar through the back door. He saw Kemisola pulling up at the Car Park and he hurried to his own Car. His phone was ringing by the time he got to the Car. It was his sister. He picked her Call and put it on hands-free. 

“Hey sis.”

“Thank you for the referral,bro. She is such a beautiful person to work with and so humble.” 

“That is Evelyn for you.” He smiled.

“Errm, bro. I went online to google her name.” There was awe in her voice. “She is the only daughter of the owner of Wrights Group of companies. How did you come across such wealthy people, bro?” 

“Well, I come across lots of rich clients in my line of work, Gbemi.Just do what you do best and you will win yourself lots of referrals from her.” He pressed the horn and cursed at a reckless driver.

“You are right, though.” There was silence for a while. “Bro, are you dating her?”

FINDING SOLACE is available for your reading pleasure on my blog shop.


Araire Falade, a beautiful, wealthy, and single woman in her 40s, is trying to slow down her ticking biological clock, and her boyfriend, Bamidele, has said he will only propose if she gets pregnant. 

Seeking help, she approaches the sexy, handsome but married fertility doctor, Chibuike Azuke, and they soon become great friends. 

Glowing and pregnant, her happiness doubles or so it seems when  Bamidele finally proposes.

All hell breaks loose when Araire discovers she has been duped, not only by the man she was engaged to, but also by the man she had come to trust and love with her whole heart.

Will love find her again or she is destined to remain single and alone forever?

The Chapter Eight of HIDDEN DESIRES will be posted next week Sunday, 09th March 2025.

Don’t miss it and don’t forget to leave a comment.

Thank you.

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