After a disappointing evening, Anayo decides to act out her sexual fantasy. Will it pay off or become a disaster?


Dedicated to all romance readers ♥ 



Sitting in his car, limp as a bonefish, was my pretty ass which had just been handed to me. He was still explaining calmly. I could hear his annoying voice deep in my subconscious state. Suddenly, I sprang to life and flared up.

“Pull over!” I yelled at the man behind the wheel of the Toyota Camry, whose passenger seat I was occupying.

“Are you insane? We’re on the highway, and it’s raining heavily out there.”

My gaze flew to the windscreen. I couldn’t see a damn thing, except water rattling on the screen and the wipers swiping back-and-forth. “Like you care,” I said, flashing Boma an angry stare. Breathing heavily, my whole body was vibrating like an old grinding machine.

“Anayo, if things were different…”

“Shut the hell up! I don’t want to hear anymore of your stupid explanations. Drop me right here, right now,” I bellowed in a warning tone, clutching my handbag, ready to slam it in his face if he refused one more time.

His eyes rested on the hand holding the bag, and I believe my message registered in his brain. His voice softened. “Okay, fine, just let me find a good spot to park.”

Seconds later, he pulled up at the side of the road. He opened his mouth to say something, but I didn’t wait to hear what he had to say. I got out of the car and slammed the door so hard, wishing it would come off. 

Soon, I was cursing him at the top of my voice. There were a few cars on the road, and I didn’t care that I was the object of attention.

I cursed until the blue Camry disappeared. That was when I realised that my roku purple sleeveless blouse and jeans were getting darker with water stains. The raindrops were coming at me from all corners. On a good day, when things were going accordingly with Boma, it’d have felt like a wet kiss from the sky leaving a refreshing sensation on my skin, but today, it felt like I was being hit by hailstones.

My shoulders slouched downwards and tears stung my eyes. I felt a sense of melancholy and regret. I was terribly sad. The thought of going to stand in the middle of the road and getting crushed hit me. Okay, now I was being selfish. I had a thriving business, and besides, who would take care of my mum if I killed myself? I wasn’t her only child, but I was the only one financially capable of doing so at the moment. 

I shook off the thought of suicide with a long sigh.

The air was cool and damp. I could feel the chill seeping through my bones as I made my way down the road, unbothered that I was in another part of town I was unfamiliar with. It was that time of the year when the rains would unceremoniously come down, yet I had left home without an umbrella. I had been overly excited. That was my excuse. 

Thunder roared loudly above me as bolts of lightning flashed incessantly. If there was anything I hated about being in the rain, it was the lightning. Yes, I was suicidal a while ago, but not anymore. Something just told me I still had a lot to live for.

I viewed the time on my watch – 5:20 p.m. Due to how grey and cloudy the sky was, it seemed like it was 7 p.m. I could’ve booked a ride home, but I didn’t want to. I dreaded returning to my empty apartment just yet. It would result in me drowning in self-pity. Instead, I felt like doing something crazy.

There were a number of buildings around me and one in particular caught my attention, a brown one-storey building with a huge sign, WAKAMA BAR, in front of it. I decided to head right there to chill, or rather to get warmed up until the rain subsided.

Minutes later, I reached the entrance door and struggled to get it open. My hands were too cold and shaky to grasp the handle properly. As I stood there wondering whether to knock or not, the door suddenly began opening. I waited patiently until it was wide open, and I saw a dark-skinned guy holding a flat mopping stick behind it.

“Welcome to Wakama Bar, ma’am. We’re still getting the place ready, but you can come in,” he said with a warm smile. “Sorry, you got caught in the rain.”

My eyes flew to his face to ensure he didn’t just say that to mock me. I was aware that my blouse was clinging to my skin and my nipples were fully erect. But no, there wasn’t any form of amusement in those eyes, just concern. However, why was he apologizing? It wasn’t his fault.

Touched by his gesture, I murmured, “Thanks,” returning his smile. The anger I bore had dissipated. I scrutinised him. This dude, about 6’1”, was donning a tight black T-shirt outlining his ripped chest over a pair of carton-coloured pants. I noticed his inked left forearm. It was a cool tattoo, I thought, remembering the one on my upper left arm. He wasn’t just good-looking and attractive; he was oozing some kind of sex appeal. I was having all sorts of crazy ideas as I stood there gazing at him.

Realising that I was staring; I turned my head away and asked him where I could sit.

“Anywhere you like.”

Thanking him again, I took a couple of steps forward and stopped to survey the place. The bar was empty except for two men on barstools at the counter. I noticed a small booth to the left of the bar and a bigger one under the stairs. I made a decision about where to sit immediately.

Before going to sit, I approached the bartender for a bottle of dry gin and a glass. I paid, made my way to the small booth, and dumped my butt in a seat. I went over what Boma said to me earlier and my blood boiled, anger returning to my veins. I was miserable and tears gathered in my eyes. I held them back. It was time to stop dwelling in the past. It wasn’t worth it.

I opened the bottle and took two shots in quick succession. Yes, I’d rather drown myself in alcohol than self-pity right now. I sat there, pouring shot after shot, drinking and thinking of a fantasy as the minutes passed slowly. The idea warmed my heart, and so did the drink.

The bottle had gone half way, but I still poured myself another shot and held the glass at eye level, watching it blankly. I was thinking heavily about this fantasy of mine and putting that guy, who opened the door for me, in the mix. Hmm, he was indeed a fine specimen. A wicked smile curved my lips as I poured another shot into the glass.

“Now, why is a beautiful woman like you sitting all alone in a bar with only a bottle of gin for company?”

I almost dropped the bottle when I heard that voice. I had no idea he’d crept up beside me. I clocked my head to my left to meet his gaze. He was flashing me a very good set of white teeth as he regarded me softly, his alluring cologne taking hold of my senses.

“It’s none of your business,” I snapped, setting the bottle gently on the table.  

“I know, but I’ve been watching you all evening.”


“I’m curious.”

“Don’t you have anything better to do, like mopping the floor or getting some other stuff cleaned up, than to watch me?”

A sigh escaped his lips. “Look, I do apologise if I’ve offended you. However, it’s not every day you see a sexy looking woman walk into a bar, order a bottle of alcohol, and start gulping it down like crazy. I suspected something was wrong and came to see if there was a chance I could lift your mood a bit.”

He gave me a look I couldn’t interpret. Wow, and he called me sexy too! It had been a long time since any guy complimented me in that way. He was right, though, I could use a bit of mood-lifting. That insane idea I’d been nursing returned to my head—my sexual fantasy. Yeah, I could do that crazy shit here. An exciting feeling took hold of my body. Why not? I’d been a good girl for so long, and what did I gain from that?

My facial expression softened as I peered at him closely. Despite his incredible physique, I observed he was quite young and put his age at twenty-five or twenty-six. Ugh! He was a baby. 

Did I say a baby? Okay, I was probably mad because this guy I’d just called a baby could change how I was feeling right now. I’d figured that I wasn’t only tipsy, but was also horny—really horny. Perhaps it was due to the weather, or my crazy thoughts, or this stranger and the weird way his eyes had been eating me up since I entered the bar. Yes, I noticed he’d been checking me out too.

I felt my nipples harden further beneath my blouse, and that feeling of wetness down there increased. I yearned for those arms to be wrapped around me, his lips on my nipples as his tongue explored them.

Truth? I was dying for him to fuck me and fuck me real good. I didn’t get why this craving had stubbornly refused to die since locking eyes with this stranger. Could I get him to take away all the pain and hurt I was feeling inside? Would he be willing to participate?

“I’m sorry,” he said again, shaking me out of my weird thoughts. He turned to leave.

“Hey, don’t go yet.”

He stopped abruptly.

“I should be the one apologising for being rude,” I said. “I’m not usually like this, and I’m sorry.” I tilted my head and gave him my best smile.

“I’m not offended in any way.”

Oh wow! He was such a gentleman. The fact that he kept his tone pleasant despite how rude I was impressed me. 

“How old are you?” I asked.


Damn it!


“Nothing.” I studied the tattoo on his forearm for a few seconds. It was a tattoo of a lotus flower. What did it mean?

“It expresses one’s ability to rise above muddy waters and bloom into a beautiful flower,” he explained as though he read my mind.

A smile curved my lips. “That’s quite motivating.”

“Indeed,” he agreed with a nod. “What about yours?” He glanced at my left shoulder, and I followed his gaze. “I couldn’t help but admire it when you walked into the bar. Are those double Bs?”

“Yeah.” I shrugged.

“What do they stand for?” His eyes returned to my face with a lopsided smile.

I held his gaze. However, my lips remained sealed. “It’s none of your business,” I finally blurted out.

He let out a scoff. “I can’t help being curious. Sorry.”

I was surprised to get another apology from him. It made me hate my attitude. 

Plunging feelings of guilt into him for showing some form of interest in me was just wrong. If I planned to get what I craved tonight, then I had to take things easy with him. 

I sighed, took a deep breath before opening my mouth again. “You should stop apologising.”

“I should leave you in peace and get back to work.”

He turned to go, and again, I stopped him.

“Um, do you have any dry clothes I can change into? Pants, shirts, it won’t really matter if they don’t fit as long as they’re dry.” He was a janitor, wasn’t he? He should have some sort of spare uniform somewhere.

“Yeah, I know where to get you something dry. They might fit too.”

“Ah, I’d be grateful.”

“Do you mind following me to the changing room?”

“Of course not.” I leapt out of my seat, grabbed my handbag, and followed him.

As we walked by the bar, he beckoned to the bartender that he would be back and got a nod in response.

We stepped out of the bar. It was still raining hard. He quickly grabbed an enormous umbrella hidden by the corner and put it up. Holding it aloft, he gestured that I got under it with him. I did.

We continued to the back of the building, turned left, and stopped in front of a door. He told me to hold the umbrella while he unlocked the door, after which he stepped inside and turned on the light.

Soon, I was standing behind him inside this small square room, housing some cleaning apparatus, while he went through some neatly folded clothes on a shelf. My gaze lingered on his broad back, and immediately that tingling sensation between my legs returned.

“Shit! Um, I just remembered those clothes that would fit you are not here.”

“Oh really?” I dropped my handbag and moved closer to him. “I love the smell of the perfume you’re wearing. What’s the name?” I whispered.

He twirled around swiftly with a surprised look. 

My eyes moved to his lips. “You have nice lips.”

His brows rose. “You think so?” A smile spread across his lips.

“I do,” I whispered. “Do you want to kiss me?”

“Yeah, I’d love that,” he said. 

He lowered his head and captured my lips in a gentle, soft kiss. Then, he deepened the kiss and was kissing me hungrily. I responded in the same fashion.

His lips soon left mine and moved down to my neck, his fingers working expertly on the buttons of my blouse. I moaned when I discovered my breasts were exposed and ready for him. His hands descended on them, gently fondling and squeezing before his mouth took over. I moaned at the warmness of his mouth on my nipples, my fingers clawing at his back as he devoured them. I heard him groan and knew he was having fun playing with my boobs.

He pressed my body closer, and I felt his erect dick rub up against me. He was definitely ready for it. My hand moved down to his crotch and I started to rub his hard-on. I decided it wasn’t enough and my hand disappeared down his pants, taking hold of his dick. It was pretty enormous, and I couldn’t hold back a series of moans that flew out of me. I badly wanted this stranger.

“Fuck me!” I was shocked to hear myself say that.

Without a word, he started fumbling with his zipper.

A small giggle escaped me at how he couldn’t wait too. I pulled down my jeans, turned around and bent over, my hands resting on the wall for support. I wanted him to take me from behind. He took his pants and boxers down, and they landed at his feet. He moved closer, drew my panties to one side. His hands rested on my ass, squeezing them before gently and slowly inserting his hard dick into my super wet pussy.

He moved both hands to my hips and began to thrust slowly as I adjusted to his enormous size. Intense pleasure started to build up inside of me and within a few minutes, he was moving fast. My body shook vigorously at the sensation as he moved in and out, pumping me with everything he had.

He fucked me hard and deep for a long time. I climaxed a number of times. I was enjoying the intensity with which he was fucking me, that I forgot everything about my miserable life. It was my plan after all, wasn’t it? A smile crawled across my lips.

I wanted it to go on forever. However, everything that has a beginning must have an end. He accelerated his thrusting, signalling he was getting closer to finishing. I bucked my hips as he banged me to give him deeper penetration. He continued to fuck me harder and harder, and then he gave one final powerful thrust and exploded inside my pussy.

After a minute, he pulled out of me. I turned around and we stared at each other.

“I—I’m terribly sorry,” he said, panting heavily as he hurriedly drew his pants up. “I honestly didn’t mean for this to happen. It wasn’t how I’d imagined things would start.”

Things would start? What did he mean? I didn’t bother to ask him to explain. “Don’t be sorry,” I said with a huge smile. “It was fun, wasn’t it?”

He smirked and lowered his gaze from mine. “Um, yeah, it was amazing.”

He was kind of embarrassed. I could sense it.

“Let me go and get those clothes.” He started towards the door and soon disappeared.

The smile on my face continued to linger. The sex was da bomb! I’d never had it so good. I felt better inside and was thrilled. My fantasy of having sex with a total stranger I’d never see again had been fulfilled. It was time to vamoose.

 I hastily put on my wet clothes, grabbed my handbag, and scurried out of there. It was still raining but mildly. I crossed the road, walked into the path of an oncoming bike, and flagged it down. I hopped on it and didn’t look back as it sped off.



I exited the Mercedes 4Matic and slammed the door shut, heading straight to my store. The security guard opened the gate for me, and I walked into the store. One of my assistants greeted me and handed me the sales report.

The moment I sat down behind my desk, I smiled. The downheartedness and depression I suffered had disappeared. I felt totally refreshed. Did it have anything to do with my escapade of two nights ago? Maybe and maybe not, but I’d arrived at a conclusion that everything that happened with Boma was for the best.

I glanced at the sales report, nodding at the encouraging figures. Boma could go to hell. I still had my business, and it was doing amazingly well, thanks to God.

Here in Tombia, Yenagoa, I was the sole distributor of quality wines and other beverages, buying directly from importers and manufacturers. My company provided the cheapest and most trusted wholesale prices to supermarkets, bars, hotels, and restaurants around Bayelsa and some parts of Port Harcourt.

I started this business after resigning from my job as a contract staff in an oil company seven years ago. My family thought I was insane, stopping work to go into business at twenty-seven. Their worst fear was that I was moving to Bayelsa, a place always consumed by flood every year. However, it was what I’d set my mind to do at the time. Besides, the floods were not so disastrous in Tombia.

Friends and colleagues contributed huge amounts of money that aided the start of my business. I moved to Yenagoa from Port Harcourt, rented a one-room apartment, a small store and never looked back. My business boomed…only my private life sucked. 

I truly thought I’d be married to him with one or two kids by now. I smiled bitterly. We had met in a cab on my way to Port Harcourt one weekend, two years after starting my business. His name was Boma Braithwaite, and we got talking at once. 

He was two years older and a construction company staff in Port Harcourt. I thought he was a great guy. 

We exchanged numbers and before long, he was coming to spend weekends with me. He didn’t have a place of his own and stayed with his parents in Port Harcourt. I was happy and in love and never questioned anything. 

One evening, I entered a tattoo parlour and asked the tattooist to ink me with his initials. That was how I got the BB on my arm. I was ecstatic when he told me he loved it.

As our relationship continued, I realised that I was the provider. I paid for everything, including his transport fare whenever he visited. There were so many other red flags I overlooked too. 

A year later, he told me he would like me to be his wife, but first, he wanted to get his Master’s degree. I was overjoyed and agreed. 

A week later, he presented me with an engagement ring. Thrilled, I took him to see my mum in Enugu.

A year after giving me the ring, Boma started his Master’s programme. I paid for everything. He promised he’d pay me back. I saw nothing wrong in doing that; I had the money and business was good. He was going to be my husband, wasn’t he?  He quit his job after that because he wanted to focus on his academics. Then he moved in with me. This was soon after I moved into a two-bedroom apartment.  I continued to support him.

Three years passed and then one day, Boma announced he’d gotten a job in Lagos. He suggested I sell off my business and move with him. According to him, we’d use the money to buy a house, and I’d start my business all over. I wasn’t comfortable with that and told him I’d think about it.

Boma moved to Lagos and our relationship changed to a long distance one. We barely spoke, as he was always busy whenever I called. When he finally visited me a year later, I brought up the issue of getting married. He asked me if I’d decided to move to Lagos. I told him I hadn’t and begged him to return to Tombia so we could get married and run the business together. He laughed. Before leaving, he told me he’d give it a thought. I was excited, looking forward to him being with me permanently. I even paid for his flight ticket.

We continued communicating on the phone. I would ask him if he’d made a decision and he’d say he’d give me an answer whenever he was in Tombia. Then two weeks ago he called to say he’d be in town. He had amazing news. I couldn’t contain my excitement.

I kissed my lips in anger as my thoughts returned to the present again. What a fool I’d been. I was angry because I never asked him to pay me back what he owed me.

The rest of the day moved perfectly, as I pushed thoughts of Boma far away from my mind and focused on something more recent. There was a light shower as I was leaving the store that evening. Thoughts of the rain reminded me of how naughty I’d been two nights ago, and I was filled with warm pleasures. Should I go back there and look for him? It was less than an hour’s drive. 

No, that’d be stupid, I scolded myself. It was also foolish that I had allowed a total stranger to penetrate me without any form of protection. I shuddered.

After getting in the car, I shut my eyes helplessly, moaning as the realisation of what I’d done hit me. 

Damn it! I started the car, hoping that one moment of craziness wouldn’t come back to haunt me. 

Instead of going home, I decided to head to my best friend’s house. I was sure she was home from work. I was right—Keme was sitting outside her father’s house, toying with her phone. The compound was where I rented my first apartment, and that was how we met. We’d been very tight since then.

She screamed in exhilaration when she raised her head and saw me walking towards her.

“I was just about to call you.” She jumped out of her seat.

“What a coincidence, right?” I laughed.

“Like, seriously.”

We hugged slightly.

“I was waiting for your call throughout Saturday evening. I was eager to hear the good news.”

I hissed. “Which kain yeye good news?”

We sat.

“Wait, he didn’t propose?” She sounded disappointed.

I laughed derisively. I’d excitedly called Keme after getting off the phone with Boma, telling her Boma had amazing news. She had at once said it was a proposal. I’d thought so, too.

“He had no intention of proposing.”

Her face twisted in a frown. “Why then did he invite you out for a special date?”

“It was because it’d be our last.”


“He broke up with me, Keme. He said he found someone else he was deeply in love with and added that I was now too old. Asshole,” I cursed.

“After four years together, plus everything you did for him?”

“Can you imagine?”

“That bastard!” Keme spat, her eyes full of venom. But her expression softened as her gaze returned to my face. “I hope you’re okay, Anayo?” She reached for my hand.

I scoffed. “I wanted to die after I got out of his car.”

“Aww babe…I’m so sorry. You’ll get over him, okay?”

“I have, Keme. I fell out of love with Boma a long time ago. I just didn’t realise it until that Saturday.” A smile curved my lips. “Something happened after that too.”

“What? I want to hear it,” she said and edged closer.

I told her everything that happened after I exited Boma’s car. Keme had her hands over her mouth with eyes as large as those of a kinkajou when I was done.

“What? You did that!” She then burst out laughing.

“It happened, and it was sooooo good,” I stressed and then sighed regretfully.

“You’ll be seeing him again, abi?”

“Seeing who?”

You nor collect number?”

“No way! I just needed to feel better and let myself go, besides, na small boy jor.”

Small boy wey rock your world dat night? Dey play!”

“I won’t deny that, but he is a janitor.” I rolled my eyes.


“M—mm. How’s he expected to support me on a meagre salary? I don’t want another leech like Boma, biko.”

“I’m hearing excuses and my takeaway on this is you dig him… Oh, wait…” She paused and grimaced a bit. “It should be he dug you, abi? Shey he was the one doing all the digging…”

“You’re crazy, Keme,” I cut in.

She burst into a guffaw.

I gave her a side-eye.

A month later, I discovered I was late. I didn’t take it seriously until the following month, when it dawned on me that I might be expecting this stranger’s child. At first, I panicked. Then I gave it a serious thought. Why was I scared? I had the means to take care of it if it turned out to be true. 

I decided to go for a pregnancy test. I also used the opportunity to check out that other thing that had been bugging me. I got tested for HIV and STDs.

The test results came back negative, but the pregnancy test was positive.

For the first time in my life, I wanted nothing more—not even a husband. I was going to treasure this baby forever. My fantasy had become a blessing in disguise. 

I was elated.

“You had sex with him without protection?” Keme frowned deeply when I told her. 

An exasperated sigh escaped my lips. “I know, it was so reckless of me, but I got tested, and I’m good except for this pregnancy.” I’d also promised myself that I’d never do a crazy thing like that, ever again.

“Glad to hear that.” Keme was relieved. “Now, you have to go look for him and tell him.”

“No, I won’t, and he’ll never find out.”

Three months later, I travelled to Enugu to inform my mum. I’d never seen her so happy.

Eww chi mo. Finally, Boma is coming to pay your bride price.”

“Mummy, Boma isn’t coming to do anything of that sort. We’re no longer together.”  I heard about Boma’s wedding a few weeks ago, and I didn’t feel hurt in any way.

She stopped dancing at once, giving me a hard stare. “It’s not Boma’s child?”

“It’s not. I’m having this baby on my own.”

“God forbid! You can’t have a child out of wedlock, Anayo. It’s an abomination.”

“Says who? Mummy, things have changed, biko.”

“You can’t, Anayo.”

“Mum, I’m a thirty-four-year-old woman capable of taking care of herself. Yes, I can.”

Chai, what are people going to say?” she whispered sadly.

“That’s exactly why I came. I didn’t want you finding out from someone else.”

“But do you at least know who impregnated you?”

“Of course, but he doesn’t know about it,” I said, smiling. It was the best part of this whole thing. I’d not be sharing my child with anyone.



I stood before the Judge, nervous, even though my outward appearance belied what I felt. Why was I apprehensive? Well, it was due to the dude on my right who was about to steal my life. 

What was my relationship with him? He was my stepbrother, my dad’s son from another mother, but I didn’t know him.  

I met him for the first time a couple of months ago at my dad’s funeral. 

He didn’t come to pay his last respect to the old man. He was there to claim what he believed was his right. His name was Izunna Wakama.

Izunna’s mum had refused to marry my dad after she got pregnant. Why? He wasn’t rich. She ran away with another man to America and married him. 

When she found out my dad had become very wealthy, she demanded for child support. My dad obliged, giving her whatever she asked for.

My dad continued to pay for child support until Izunna turned eighteen. Then he pleaded with his mum to allow him to return to Nigeria to continue with his education and to learn the family business. She refused. 

My dad was angry, and he stopped sending them money. He stated that Izunna had become an adult. They stopped communicating with him after that.

Eight years after Izunna’s mum left my dad, he found my mum and married her. I was born two years later, my sister followed thereafter. 

My dad started teaching me the importance of hard work at a very young age, telling me stories about how he began his company. 

He became my role model. I started showing interest in his hospitality business and subsequently began working towards the goal of becoming his successor one day.

When my dad became very sick, my mum told Izunna’s mum about it, but she never responded. When he passed away, she also let her know. Still, she ignored her message. I wasn’t happy she was doing this, but she explained that she had to.

You could imagine my surprise when mother and son showed up for the funeral and stayed until the will was read. How disappointing it was for Izunna that he was left out of the will. I was truly stunned and also impressed that my old man was no fool. The will stated that his entire fortune would go to me—except a few things he left to my mum. My sister was also left out. She was already married to a successful guy, and they’d moved to Canada.

Izunna was furious. He deemed the will ‘forged’ and decided to challenge its validity. He filed a petition with the court and we responded, presenting our evidence. After attending several hearings, today was decision day.

Minutes later, the Judge made a decision. The will was valid, and Izunna’s petition was thrown out. According to the Judge, the evidence Izunna presented wasn’t strong enough to prove that it wasn’t. I was relieved. My mum and girlfriend, Tochi, rushed to my side, hugging me.

We left the courthouse in delight.

I got behind the wheel of the Honda CR-V. Tochi joined me seconds later.

“Now I can get that bag, right?” She placed a hand on my thigh, very close to my crotch.

I scoffed. She was talking about the 1.5M naira bag she’d been asking me to get her for a week now.

“The answer is still no.”

She withdrew her hand from my thigh at once, smacked her teeth, and muttered a couple of swear words before turning her head in the other direction. This was the person my mum was doing everything she could to see me settle down with? It was because Tochi was her friend’s daughter.

Tochi was very beautiful, I’d give her that; but she lacked intelligence, like a rose without its fragrance. The only thing she was good at was spending money unnecessarily. She wasn’t my type, and I’d surprise my mum one of these days. I was tired of her meddling into my affairs.

My mind drifted back to that rainy evening, three and a half years ago, when I opened the door for that mysterious lady. She had captured my heart instantly, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. 

I’d returned to the room with the clothes and found it empty. I ran to the bar to see if she had gone back there, but the bartender told me she never did. 

Like an insane person, I rushed out of the bar and ran down the road to see if I could find her. But she had disappeared as mysteriously as she had entered the bar. I had no information about her and so couldn’t trace her. However, I did not forget her or the way our bodies moulded as one that evening.

Still wondering why she had offered me her body, I was a bit suspicious and got tested. The results came back negative, and I’d been careful since then.

I dragged my thoughts to the present again.

I entered the hotel that afternoon and headed straight to my office. Taking a seat at my desk, I began twirling around, feeling good to be MD/CEO. A position, which I’d attained a year ago after my dad stepped down. It was before he became sick. 

He had full confidence that I’d be able to do the job. He believed in me. Before attaining this position, my dad never gave me any preferential treatment. I had to work extremely hard, starting from the bottom to get to the top.

Later that afternoon, a friend of mine whose wedding reception would take place in the hotel called me. He requested for Nicolas Feuillatte to be served to special guests on that day and asked if it would be possible.

“Of course,” I replied. I would never tell a client otherwise.

I summoned the hotel manager to my office after the call and asked him if we had the brand. His response was negative. I ordered him to make sure it was available before the wedding, which was in a couple of weeks.

“You’re talking rubbish!” I said to the hotel manager when he reported that he couldn’t get the brand anywhere a week before the wedding. I insisted that he continued the search for it. Two days later, he called me to say he’d finally found it.

“Very good.”

“But the lady doesn’t want to sell,” he added.

“What do you mean by that?”

“She’s the only one that has it in Yenagoa and won’t sell, saying it’s reserved for a special client.”

“Tell her you’ll pay extra for it.”

“I have. She won’t budge.”

“Can I speak with her?”

“Sir, I would advise you to come down here and have a word with her in person.”

I thought it wasn’t a bad idea. “Where is her store located?”

I pulled to a stop in front of a store in Tombia and exited the car. The sign on the building read, CLARICE WINEHOUSE. I proceeded inside.

I was welcomed by a store assistant who directed me to go down the hall to my right, adding that the boss was expecting me. I got hit by a toddler on a tricycle who sprang out of nowhere.

“Hey!” I smiled and looked down. He raised his head to meet my gaze, a smile formed on his cute little face. It was like staring at me when I was that age. I was transfixed as I stood there.

“I’m sorry.” A young lady came to get him out of the way. “Madam’s office is that way.” She pointed to a door up close.

“Thank you,” I said, glancing at the kid one more time before moving along. I got to the door and knocked. At the response, I entered. 

Standing calmly in a lovely flora dress was the mysterious woman I had sex with that rainy evening. My spine stiffened, and my muscles tensed in shock.



I explained to the gentleman for the umpteenth time that I wasn’t going to sell the last two cartons of Nicolas Feuillatte I had in the store, not even for the extra cash he was offering. After getting off the phone, he told me that his boss was on his way to the store to talk.

“Your boss—the owner of Wakama hotels?” I raised an eyebrow.


“Alright,” I said. Within me, I knew I wasn’t going to sell, no matter what he had to say.

He sat in the store waiting while I attended to other matters, making sure my toddler finished his lunch. I decided to return to my office and invited him to wait there, leaving Kanayo with the nanny.

Fifteen minutes later, I rose from my desk to retrieve a sales receipt when a knock sounded at the door.

“Come in,” I responded, staring at the door.

Nicely dressed in a dark business suit, his cologne filled the entire office the moment he was inside. My breath stuck in my throat and my knees turned to jelly at the sight of him. I had said to myself a million times that I wouldn’t recognise him if I ever saw him again, but I did. My son was his replica. God, I hope he didn’t see him in the corridor.

There was no doubt he also recognised me, as a wry smile formed at the corners of his lips. I composed myself, doing everything to dismiss this wavering feeling that had erupted inside of me. How did he find me?

“Welcome, sir.” The hotel manager who was seated before me got up from his seat. “Madam, this is my boss, Fabian Wakama.”

He was the hotel chief? Unbelievable!

“Wow!” Fabian uttered in a surprised tone, and then he turned to the gentleman and politely asked him to leave.

My office was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop as we stood there staring at each other after the gentleman left.

“I never imagined I’d ever see you again,” he said, breaking the silence.

“See me again? What do you mean, Mr. Wakama?” I let out a scoff and moved to take a seat behind my desk.

“Are you acting like you don’t remember me?”

“I’m not acting. I don’t, Mr. Wakama.”

He swore under his breath. “Call me Fabian,” he said, coming to lean on the side of my desk. “Three and a half years ago, you walked into Wakama Bar, all drenched from the rain, we had sex, and then you vanished. I never forgot you or your beautiful body.”

I blushed and then gulped, remembering that moment too. It stirred a longing in me, a longing I thought I quenched a long time ago. “I’m afraid you’re mistaking me for someone else.”

“No kidding.” He chuckled.

The sound vibrated through me, unsettling my nerves.

“I saw a little boy outside your door a few minutes ago. Is he your child?” He asked with a serious face.

Damn! He saw Kanayo. I was about to deny being his mother when the door burst open and Kanayo entered, laughing and screaming.


He hid under the desk, grabbing one of my legs in a playful manner. He was being chased by his nanny.

“What have you done now?” I lowered my head to take a peep, smiling.

He giggled. “Nothing.”

By the time I raised my head, Fabian was gone. Deep down, I knew it wasn’t over. He’d be back!

I called Keme to come over the moment I got home.

After giving her the whole gist, she was silent, staring at me in awe. “Why didn’t you just tell him the truth?” she finally said.

“Why would I do that?”

 “He’s Kanayo’s father.”

“Well, I don’t want to share Kanayo with him.”

“Look, girlfriend, stop being selfish and let him in.”

“There’s no way I’m going to do that.”

She sighed heavily. “Kanayo needs a dad, come on. From what you told me, this Fabian looks responsible. A role model for him, if you ask me.”

“Well, I didn’t ask you.”

Keme shook her head helplessly. “Think very deeply about this, Anayo. Besides, you have feelings for him. It’s written all over you.”

“What? No way! I don’t like him one bit. He should just keep his distance.”

“How do you think Kanayo would feel when he grows up and finds out you denied him the presence of his father in his life, hmm? He might not forgive you.”

“Who’s going to tell him, ehn?”

“Hmm, okay o.”



My heart was palpitating, my stomach fluttering as my thoughts centred on Anayo Okeke. 

I got her name and number from one of the store assistants on my way out. I never thought I’d want more from a woman until that rainy evening. Seeing her again today, it wasn’t hard to conclude that I was still attracted to her. 

However, I was troubled by her denial of ever knowing me. Did it have to do with the kid?  Was he mine? He sure had all the Wakama genes in full glare, and I felt a connection to him. 

I believe he did, too, from the way he looked at me and smiled. It had stirred up this curiosity in me, which I planned to get to the bottom of.

The next afternoon, my manager called to inform me that he’d been able to get three cartons of Nicolas Feuillatte from a distributor in Warri. I was relieved. However, that didn’t mean I’d not see Anayo again—I had an axe to grind with her.

I was about to enter Clarice Winehouse that evening but was stopped by a store assistant who said her boss was on her way out. I waited outside until she emerged, donning a form-fitting dress accentuating her curves. I stood there drooling for almost a minute. Reminding myself about why I was there, I shook off the longing inside of me and walked over to her as she was about to get in her car. She wasn’t surprised to see me, and it somehow spurred me on.

“I couldn’t sleep last night. A lot of things going through my mind wouldn’t let me. I know you’re the same lady…don’t bother denying it,” I added as she was about to say something. “I need answers, Anayo.”

She frowned. “How do you know my name?”

“It’s not important. Is the kid mine?” I demanded.

“You don’t just walk into someone’s life and begin to ask questions like that,” she said defensively, glaring at me.

“Of course not, but this is different. You know that.”

“He’s not your son,” she said flatly.

“It’s not true… I refuse to believe that.”

“Believe whatever you want.” She rolled her eyes.

“We had unprotected sex. The kid looks exactly like me. He’s the right age.”

“So? Those are not proof he’s yours.”

“Then I want proof. I want a DNA test done because there’s a 99% chance he’s mine.”

“Are you out of your mind?” She stared at me, her face shrouded in disbelief.

I shook my head. “Please,” I said more calmly, “if the DNA test proves he’s not mine, I’ll walk away, and you’ll never see me again.”

“I’m not going to conduct any DNA test on my son,” she blurted out and began to rant. “How can you―?”

I wasn’t listening to her any longer at that point. I was focusing on other things—lips, breasts, hips, ass—I wanted to pull her into me, kiss her passionately while squeezing her tight ass.

“―my son, okay?”

I zoned back to reality, catching her last words. “He could be mine too.”

“He’s not yours. Now, get out of my way!” She got into her car, and I stood there watching as the car slowly disappeared.

I slid into the Honda but didn’t start it immediately. I was aware I’d upset her, and she probably hated me, but I wanted to do the right thing. I’d admit I loved her fiery temper. It was reeling me in instead of pushing me away. I chuckled slightly and exhaled. 

In any case, if that kid turned out to be mine, I’d want nothing more than to be his dad and bond with him. I refused to turn out like my dad, who allowed Izunna slip away, and they never connected before he died. I’d hate for my kid to show up at my funeral only because he was itching to get his hands on my money.

I called her a week later, asking if she’d made a decision about the DNA test. We got into a heated argument before she hung up on me. I called again two days later. After ranting endlessly, she warned me to stop calling her number. I didn’t stop, but she quit taking my calls. 

For days, I kept calling her, but she wouldn’t take my calls, and then she blocked my number. I showed up at her store and the security guard refused to let me in. 

I was frustrated and angry.

I spoke to a friend about the matter, and he advised me to file a lawsuit. I didn’t want to go down that road, but she was forcing my hand. I wasn’t prepared to walk away, either. I would always fight for what I believed was mine, the same way I fought to remain the owner of Wakama Hotels.  

Two days later, I made a decision. She would be hearing from my lawyer.



I was seething after his lawyer left my office. How dare he?

I told Keme about his lawyer’s visit.

“See? I warned you,” she said.

“I’m not going to succumb to this, ever,” I ranted.

“You won’t have a choice if he takes you to court. Do you want to waste money hiring a lawyer? What about the time you’d spend going in and out of court? At the end of the day, it’d all be for nothing because he’s Kanayo’s father.”

I sighed heavily. Already, Kanayo had started asking questions about who his father was.

A couple of days later, I drove to a certain location, on which a ten-storey building stood. I paused and glanced at a one-storey building beside it, and memories of that rainy evening came flooding back. It felt so damn good to be touched by him that evening. I shivered and then dragged my thoughts away from that.

I walked into the luxurious hotel a minute after that.

“I’d like to see Fabian Wakama, please,” I said to the lady at the front desk.

“Is he expecting you?”


“One moment, please,” she said, picking up the phone.

I was told to get comfortable while I waited. Ten minutes later, I saw him appear with a man by his side. My heartbeat quickened. This could possibly be the real reason I’d been avoiding him. I didn’t want to admit this feeling inside of me.

After shaking hands with the man, he turned swiftly and began heading towards me. I held my breath. He apologised for keeping me waiting before asking me to follow him to his office.

“I thought you’d have your office someplace else,” I said as we stepped inside his lovely office, trying to break the ice.

“Not going to work if I have to keep abreast with everything to ensure a successful, well-run hotel.” He urged me to sit down while he went around his desk and did the same.

He offered me a drink, but I declined.

“Hmm, fancy seeing you here today after ignoring me for weeks, Annie.”

I grimaced. “My name isn’t Annie, but Anayo,” I said defensively.

“I know. I prefer Annie.”

“Don’t call me Annie.”

“I don’t think I can do that, Annie.”

“So you’re that guy who chooses to change something to suit him?”

“You can say that again, Annie.” A smirk appeared on his face.

This made him cuter. I wanted to laugh but held it in. Not wanting to waste any more time, I delved straight into why I was there. “I don’t want Kanayo dragged into any court case. He’s too young for that.”

“So he’s mine?”

“Yes,” I replied stiffly.

“That’s a very wise decision, Annie. You seem like an excellent mother.”

I rolled my eyes and got on my feet.

“Where are you going? We’re not done yet.”

“I told you what you wanted to hear. What else do you want?”

“I want to be in his life and be supportive too.”

“And if I say ‘no’ what then?”

“We’ll head to court.”

“You bastard!” I squinted in anger. “You have no right to do that to us.”

“He’s my son, and I want to take responsibility as his father. What the hell is wrong with that?”

“Fine, what do you propose?”



“I only want the weekends with him. You can have him the rest of the week.”

“Are you crazy? Weekends are the only time I get to see more of him.”

“Well, I haven’t seen him at all since he was born. Didn’t even know he existed until a few weeks ago. I deserve more time with him, but I choose to have him on weekends. That’s my proposal.”

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, taking deep breaths. “Okay,” I reluctantly agreed.

“I’ll be picking him up on Friday evenings and dropping him off on Sunday evenings.”

“I can’t argue with that, can I?”

“I’m afraid not.”

Arrogant prick! I slumped back in the chair. Seriously, though, I was weak. I couldn’t win with him. “You were not the janitor that night, were you?”

“Oh, I was. I also tackled a number of menial jobs after NYSC.”

“In your bar?”

“And my hotels… Uh, at the time, they belonged to my dad. I worked as an apprentice to get acquainted with the hospitality business and to impress my dad.”

I was also impressed. I rose to leave.

“How about we sit down over drinks this evening?”

“I’m not going on a date with you.” I kissed my teeth.

“It’s not a date, Annie. I have a girlfriend.”

Why did that make my stomach churn in anger? Was I jealous? “Won’t she be pissed?”

“Let me worry about that.” He got up. “I want to know things about Kanayo before I pick him up on Friday,” he said.

I left his office without another word.

I found myself seated in the hotel’s restaurant that evening, telling him stuff Kanayo loved to do. I discovered I was relaxed, enjoying his company. It didn’t seem like we’d been antagonising each other the past few weeks. He also talked more about himself, and I enjoyed listening to him.

“Will you reject going out with me if I ask you?” He squinted.



“One, you have a girlfriend, and two, I’m a lot older than you.”

“How old are you?”

“I’m thirty-seven.”

His brows rose. “Wow, you don’t look your age at all.”

“Thank you, Fabian. However, I don’t date younger men.”

There was silence.

“Did you have sex with me that night because you wanted a child?” he asked seconds later.

I wasn’t expecting that question, but I smiled and said, “No. I had no idea I’d conceive. I’d just been dumped that evening after four years in a relationship. I wanted to do something crazy to take away the pain.”

“So, you used me?”

I shrugged. “I’m sorry.”

He chuckled. “Don’t apologise. It was the best sex I ever had and now, I have a son to show for it.”

I was a little embarrassed.

Friday evening, He was at my doorstep. 

I introduced Kanayo to him, telling him he was his dad. I was surprised at how quickly my son took to him. He gave me his house address as they were about to head out.

“In case you start thinking I won’t bring him back,” he said.

I laughed.

I thought Kanayo would decline leaving with him. I was stunned when he took Fabian’s hand, and they began to walk to his car. He didn’t even turn around to say ‘bye’ to me. My own son betrayed me!

Fabian brought Kanayo back Sunday evening at the exact time he said he would with presents he bought for him. I expected my son to look messy and unhappy, but it was the opposite. He wanted to go back with him.

I mentioned everything to Keme. “That child just dey fall my hand.”

“Blood is thicker than water nau,” she responded.

He continued showing up for Kanayo and bringing him back at the precise time.  Fabian proved to be an exceptional dad, yet I’d look for ways to discredit and antagonise him. My reason was that I hated co-parenting. Plus, he was depriving me of seeing Kanayo on weekends. The actual truth however was that I hated the effect his closeness was having on me.

One Sunday, three months into our co-parenting deal, he brought Kanayo back and Kanayo insisted he stayed a while longer. I had no choice but to invite him in. I was slightly jealous of the way they played together. After he tucked him in, we sat, had a nice chat, and even joked around.  It became a thing. He would bring him back and we would chat a bit.

I invited Fabian to join us for dinner two months later. After he put Kanayo to bed, we sat, making conversation. 

He told me about how his day with Kanayo went, and all I thought about was how badly I wanted to lie down on the couch next to him with his arms wrapped around me. 

He stopped talking at that point, took me by the arm and pulled me closer. His hand moved under my chin, tilting it upwards. I heard a small gasp escape from my throat before our lips were pressed together with an uncontrolled urgency. His lips were soft as he parted mine expertly, exploring my mouth, waking up all the nerves I didn’t know I had anymore. 

For a moment, I was disoriented. How did he know I wanted that? But he wasn’t done yet. His hand found one of my breasts, and he fondled my nipple gently as he continued to kiss me. Then that hand moved down between my legs and I gasped widely.

Yes, I was going to allow him fuck me right there on the couch, and then I remembered he had a girlfriend. I removed my lips from his and pushed him away.

He backed away.

“Annie?” he said, his tone husky. “Don’t you want this?”

“I don’t,” I responded aggressively.

He didn’t utter a word and soon left. When he asked me out on a date the following week, I declined. He never asked me out again and stopped entering my apartment. 

I couldn’t stop thinking about him. His presence continued to stir that longing in me, that longing I was still unable to extinguish. The electrical charge each time we locked eyes or the desire that ran through me each time we accidentally touched was alarming.



It was drizzling that Friday evening when Fabian stopped by to pick up Kanayo.  Eight months had gone by since we started co-parenting. It rained throughout the night and the next morning as I was leaving for the store. Everywhere was flooded, but I still maneuvered the car nicely and reached the store. The sun broke out in the afternoon and I noticed water was gradually receding as I entered my car to drive home.

I heard the thunder as evening came. The clouds got closer, the wind got stronger, and the sky got darker. It was soon pouring heavily again, and I wasn’t surprised. It was normal at this time of the year. 

By Sunday morning it was still raining, but not heavily, and continued throughout that afternoon.

By 4:30 p.m., I was waiting to hear the knock at the door, but it didn’t come. By 5:00 p.m., they had still not shown up. It was unusual, Fabian was never late. I brought out my phone to call him. There was no network. 

My blood was boiling as I ate dinner.

I heard something that sounded like a car honking. Quickly, I grabbed my phone and rushed outside. I sighed exasperatedly. There was no car in sight. It was pouring heavily. 

I turned around to get back in the house and my phone slipped out of my hand and landed on the tiled floor. This immediately rendered me phoneless.

I was fuming, blaming Fabian. He had no right to violate our co-parenting agreement. 

I swapped clothes, grabbed my keys and headed outside. It was pouring so heavily that my umbrella found it hard to remain still. I entered my car and started the engine. I was going to get my kid and then give Fabian a serious warning. I could put an end to this co-parenting nonsense without caring about the consequences.

I’d once visited his home. Curiosity drove me to find out the kind of area he took my son to every weekend. 

Driving there that day was smooth, but not today. Everywhere was flooded. 

I entered the street an hour later and was about five houses to his when I smelt petrol. My car suddenly died. I tried starting it several times, but it wouldn’t budge. It dawned on me that water had entered the engine.

It meant I’d have to abandon the car and make the rest of the journey on foot. I sighed miserably. I opened the door and water gushed into the car. I cursed under my breath. 

Bracing myself, I stepped out of the car and threw my feet in the water. They sank deep inside, and I gasped when the coldness hit me. I locked the car and began to move, wading through the flooded water, which was almost at my hips level.

I finally made it to Fabian’s bungalow and to his front door. He was surprised when he opened the door.

“Annie, what happened? How did you…?” he stopped, urging me to get in the house.

“I didn’t see you at 4 p.m.” I admired how enticing he looked and smelled, but it didn’t stop me from ranting and raving once inside the house.

He laughed. “I didn’t want to risk it in this weather, so I sent you a message to inform you.”

“Oh!” I calmed down at once. “I didn’t get it.”

“The network has been epileptic.”

I brightened up, relieved that he didn’t deliberately keep Kanayo away from me. Kanayo was sitting in front of the TV, his eyes glued to his favourite cartoon show. He must have heard my voice and turned suddenly.

“Mummy!” He was on his feet in a flash, running towards me. He grabbed one of my legs in a hug. He was so excited, it was good to see.

“Hey K-boy.” I smiled. “Mummy can’t hug you back right now. I’m very wet,” I said, ignoring the underlying reality that I was wet. My core had fluttered with heat spreading through me, seeing Fabian in that tight T-shirt and shorts, outlining those strong muscles.

I pulled Kanayo away from my wet clothes and crouched down, asking how he was. He was excited, telling me what he’d been up to. Fabian interrupted him softly, saying I had to get out of my wet clothes. My clothes weren’t only wet, they were muddy, and so was my entire body.

Kanayo returned to watching his show while Fabian took me to one of the bedrooms.

“I need to shower,” I told him.

“Yeah, you can do that.” He showed me the bathroom and left.

I showered and came out with a towel wrapped around me. I left to inspect Kanayo’s room and returned a while later.

“Hey, there you are!”

I swung around and saw him by the door watching me intently.

“You were not here a second ago, and for a minute, I thought you disappeared on me again.”

I chuckled. “How’s that possible?”

He took two steps and was in front of me. We gazed into each other’s eyes, desire dancing in his. 

“I don’t know…anything is possible with you,” he whispered. “You defied the weather again this evening to get here, didn’t you?” Strong arms encircled my waist.

“Yes, now I have a broken-down vehicle parked on your street.” My heart was pounding at the speed of light due to his closeness.

“Thank God. It means you’re staying here with us tonight. I’ll send someone to check on your car in the morning.”

“In the morning?” I grimaced. “I don’t think this rain is stopping anytime soon. Haven’t you noticed it’s been raining for three days now? I believe it’s going to continue until it reaches the seventh day… So, four more days to go.”

“Seven days of rain?” He laughed. “I’m looking forward to it—it means you’ll spend more days with us here.” He bent his head to kiss me, but I smacked him playfully and pushed him away.

“What’s your girlfriend going to say if she finds me here?”

“I didn’t want anything to do with someone who wasn’t ready to embrace my son.”

My brows rose. “You broke up with her?”

“Yes, a few months ago.”

“Just because of that?”

“M-mm, and because of you too,” he breathed, taking my hand and pulling me closer again. 

“Fabian, I―”

A frown masked his face. “Don’t tell me you’re too old for me because I don’t care about your age. When you walked into Wakama Bar that rainy evening, I didn’t know your name, where you came from, or your age, but I was immediately drawn to you like a bee to a honeypot. I fell in love with you that night, Annie, and I was shattered when you disappeared. When I saw you again and learnt Kanayo could be mine, it was an opportunity to have you in my life too.”

“So it was the reason for all those nasty displays?”

“Totally… I was ready to do whatever to get you. We’re destined for each other. I mean, how would you explain showing up at my doorstep soaked from the rain twice in one lifetime?”

I laughed heartily. “Fate?”

“Most probably,” he said, chuckling, and then his face tightened up again. “Annie, I do want to spend time with you and our son. I want to take care of both of you.”

“What is your family going to say about this?”


“Nothing? Will they accept me?”

“They don’t have a choice,” he said sternly. “I warned my mum to stop meddling in my life, and she agreed to stay away. She’s met Kanayo, and she’s interested in meeting his mum too.”

“Really?” I swooned, happiness taking over my entire body.


I wrapped my arms around him, reached up and covered my mouth with his, kissing him deeply. “In that case, I want that too,” I said. I couldn’t deny my attraction to him any longer. For a long time, I’d been afraid of another rejection and also thought I was happy with the life of being a single mum, but not anymore. I wanted a man in it too, I wanted Fabian.

“Do you love me?” he asked softly.

“Of course I do,” I admitted without shame. “I’ve been using the age thing and your girlfriend to push you away. You stole my heart the moment you opened the door that night, and I haven’t recovered it since then.”

He was overcome with relief, and he kissed me passionately. “I’m thrilled you feel the same way. I could do with a smart, confident, and ambitious woman who’s also a great mum. Let’s get married.”

“Wouldn’t that be rushing into things? We’ve only known each other for months.” I grimaced.

He scoffed. “When I saw you again, I was absolutely sure I wanted you forever. But if you prefer to wait, it’s fine.” He caressed my cheek gently.

Did I truly want to wait? I was with Boma for years, and how did that end? I truly loved Fabian. He was a great guy and a responsible father. Kanayo also stood to gain a lot from us being under one roof. “I don’t think I want to wait,” I said to him.

“Great.” He smiled broadly, and then his lips found mine. His hand moved to undo my towel, sending it to the floor and leaving my naked body vulnerable to his touch. He picked me up gently and placed me on the bed. Standing over me, he smiled as desire clouded his eyes.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, then his gaze moved to my upper arm. “Your tattoo’s changed.”

“Indeed.” I had to do away with BB forever. “I’ll tell you all about it some other time.”

“Okay.” His lips found mine again before they moved down to attack my breasts, fondling and sucking them one after the other. My head thudded against the bed as I groaned wildly.

He pulled back to take off his T-shirt.

“Where’s Kanayo?”

“He’s sound asleep on the couch, and don’t worry, I locked the door.”

I grinned as he got back on top of me.

“This could turn out to be a very special evening,” he growled, placing small kisses on my neck and shoulder.


“Well, it’s another rainy evening, a perfect night to give Kanayo a brother or a sister, don’t you think?”

Warmth invaded my cheeks and I giggled. “I’m up for it.”

About The Author

Nky Omeka enjoys writing contemporary romance and romantic suspense fiction. She describes herself as a personalized writer, who puts a lot of her emotions, experiences, and opinions into what she writes. She likes being able to make her writing something other people can connect to or relate to by generalizing the thoughts and experiences she writes about. She is deeply passionate about writing, and it’s an integral part of her life. She pours her heart and soul into her work, and she’s constantly inspired to create. Writing gives her joy, and she’s grateful for the opportunity to share her thoughts and stories with others.

Nky Omeka lives in Lagos. When she’s not writing, she’s watching the ATP Tour or reading a romance story and listening to a song.

Check out some of her published works below:

 ·        Silent Lies

·        Haunted Past

·        Ensnarled

·        Roomies

·        Dangerous Move

·        Detective Dylis Goes to London

·        Detective Dylis

·        Wake Up Call

·        Is He Mine?

·        Not So Perfectly Concealed

·        Caught In the Act

·        Bizarre Entanglement

·        Menace

·        My Uncle’s Wife

Her books are available on Amazon, Bambooks, and Selar.

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