We were on our way home one sunny Saturday when my son decided he wanted Popcorn.I was a bit sceptical because I knew were either popped with Sugar or Salt. I tried to dissuade him but he was persistent and I finally gave inWhat is unique about your business? What made you stand out from the rest of the crowd? Why should people patronise you and not the others? to him. We approached a stand and got a minibag of popcorn. I tasted it before I gave the bag to him. I was surprised. The corn were popped in powdered milk and it had a very pleasant not too sweet taste. Whenever I passed by that bus-stop, I always get a bag or two of the popcorn for us because the taste was different!

It is the same popcorn you can get anywhere but the uniqueness was in the taste. 

Be different!

Is the prices of your products/ service lower than the rest? Or you have the best quality ever known or you deliver the fastest?

It is a competitive world out there. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you venture into. Someone else is already there before you. Someone has a bigger ,shinier business than you and a better model too.

Decide on how you want to stand out, choose what your Unique selling point is going to be  and stick to it.

‘Remember, if you want to stand out, i.e. if you want to “have a unique selling proposition,” your business needs to stand for something because that’s what you’ll become known for. It’s impossible to stand for everything.’- Neil Patel

Stand out from the crowd!

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