Ani is a baker and divorcee who has a heavy fear of thunderstorms, especially at night. When she hears of a possibility of rain falling for seven days, she becomes terrified. Fortunately, her ex-lover comes into town at this time and is helpful, even rekindling their fiery love affair. She’s completely unaware that he has ulterior motives.

Dedicated to you lovely readers.



“Welcome back from our commercial break. If you’re just joining us, this is Late Lunch With Eka, a show committed to spotlighting leaders in the catering and hospitality industry. On today’s episode, our guests are Ani Julius and Fiona Young, two outstanding women in the cake baking industry. So far, they’ve dropped useful business nuggets for upcoming bakers. Miss Julius says she focuses on quality, getting more clients from word-of-mouth referrals, while Miss Young insists intense publicity is important. Before we continue the discussion and open the phone lines, let’s hear from our in-house weather forecaster. Over to you, Tony.”

“Thank you, Eka. A very splendid evening to you, our amazing listeners. The rains are here, so don’t leave home without your umbrellas! This week, we’ve had a mix of rainy and sunny days, but next week it will be wet all through. We’re expecting a mix of heavy downpours and light showers, with no break of sunlight in sight. What Nigerians tagged ‘Seven Days Rain’ has become an annual event.”

“You mean the myth of rain falling nonstop for seven days is now a reality?” Eka, the anchor asked.

Tony chuckled. “It’s no more a myth if this phenomenon has occurred in Nigeria in the last two years. It’s pertinent to note that the rain might not fall for the exact seven days in Uyo or the neighbouring cities. Some cities might have more days than others. However, accumulatively, non-stop rain will make rounds in Nigerian cities for at least seven days. Lagos is already experiencing serious thunderstorms, with threats of flooding in some areas. Clouds are gathering here in the south. Calabar had light showers yesterday, Port Harcourt too. Uyo currently has heavy clouds in its horizons, promising rain by nightfall. The southern cities will experience non-stop rain in the following days.”

“Nature is such a wonder. Thank you, Tony. Dear listeners, you’ve heard the forecast. Get your umbrellas, raincoats, rain boots, and cardigans ready for showers about to hit the city of Uyo. Now, back to our discussion…”

The moment the forecaster mentioned non-stop rain, Ani tensed. She had no idea how she completed the interview without fumbling. It didn’t help that Fiona Young, her biggest competitor in the business, wouldn’t stop sending barbs her way.

Fiona had been a childhood friend; both of them, rich kids. However, in their teens, Ani bloomed early, getting unwanted male attention, while Fiona remained slender. Ani envied Fiona’s slender body, but didn’t understand why Fiona teased her, calling her fat in front of others. With nothing in common, their friendship died naturally. Ani held no grudges. Nevertheless, years down the line, Fiona wouldn’t stop her attempt at bullying.

Ani loved baking, focusing on the business. She was aware of competitors, but didn’t dwell on them. She only strived to create unique art and taste with her cake, different from what everyone else did. People called her a pacesetter. Of course, Fiona hated that; still, Ani didn’t care.

Her present worry was the rain. Unfortunately, her car was faulty. The mechanic said repairs would be done by Monday. Additionally, the thought of spending a rainy night at home alone wrecked her nerves. Thunderstorms brought a special kind of night terror that she’d struggled with for the past two years.

She left the studio, making her way to the verandah of the radio station. Dread filled her chest at the heavy clouds. She whimpered when thunder blasted.

“Bring the car forward,” Fiona snapped at someone on the phone, perhaps her driver, Ani guessed. Ending the call, Fiona slipped the device into her purse and looked Ani over with disdain. “You know, it’s embarrassing for a – big woman like you to be afraid of common rain,” she commented with disdain.

Ani swallowed hard without turning. She wasn’t surprised Fiona knew her condition; their moms mingled in the same circle. Hands shaking, she searched for her phone, intending to order a Bolt ride. She was disappointed in herself for not doing that minutes earlier. Unfortunately, the wind picked up, bringing another thunder blast, startling her into dropping her phone.

Fiona laughed derisively. “Ha! I wonder what your loyal followers will think if they saw their so-called celebrity baker now.” She referred to callers on the show praising Ani more than her.

Trying not to give in to anger, Ani shut her eyes, sighing. “The keyword there is ‘loyal,’ Fiona. I don’t expect you to know anything about it.” 

While she spoke, she heard someone rush into the verandah with them. The person’s scent tickled her nose, triggering nostalgia in her mind. Opening her eyes, she saw a tall man in jeans and t-shirt straightening in front of her with her phone in his right hand and an umbrella in the other hand. Her gaze lifted to his face, and Ani gasped, eyes wide in recognition. Suddenly, the heavens opened, and rain began to pour.

“Aniema Julius,” he intoned, his voice a caress.

“Kendy,” she rasped, then shook her head. “Umm, Kennedy,” she corrected. She had no right to call him that anymore. “You’re in town,” she said lamely.

The smirk he’d always been unable to control appeared, complete with dimples, stealing her heart all over again. “Yes, I am.” He handed her the phone. 

She noticed their disparate skin tones, hers, light chocolate, his, dark. Forgetting herself, she was startled again by another boom, the device slipping from her pliant fingers. 

Kennedy caught the phone, moving closer with a frown. “Are you okay?”

A loud hiss interrupted Ani’s response. When she turned her head, Fiona was hurrying towards her vehicle under an umbrella held by her driver.

“Well, apart from how to get home in this rain, I’m fine.”

“I’ll drop you.”

“I don’t want to be a bother.”

“You aren’t. Never were.”

Thick silence ensued between them, despite the wild rain. They seemed not to feel the wind blowing their clothes or the sprinkle of cold rain as they stared at each other.

Blinking, she inhaled deeply. “I’m sure you came here for a reason. I don’t want to take your time.”

“A…friend asked for a lift because of the rain. Let me check if she’s done.”

Ani felt panic. She’d been fine in her drab existence because he’d been out of town.  Seeing him now reminded her of all she’d lost. She would like to say he was the one that got away, except that she had run from him. Ani had broken up with him because of his nefarious business associates.

“She’s not done. I can take you.” He dwarfed her mere 5’6 height with his 6’1. He stared at his ringing phone with a frown before clicking off.

“Oh. Umm, okay,” she responded shakily.

When his arm went on her shoulders to keep her under the umbrella, Ani swallowed hard, her breath choppy with a palpitating heart. Before his appearance, she’d been terrified about the rain. Now she felt protected and even slightly excited, something she’d not felt since she’d fled from him five years ago.

Twenty minutes later, her security man, Paul, opened the gate to check the strange vehicle. He told her there was no diesel to last the night. Her anxieties reared up; her reaction uncontrollable.


“Ah, Madam, Archibong said their depot is low on product and the expected tankers were held up at Aba because of rain. Flood has blocked major roads.”

“Oh God,” her voice trembled. Would the negatives of rain never cease?

“Please, get me a gallon,” Kennedy said without looking away from her.

God, this was so embarrassing. Why did he have to see her like this?


“Get me a gallon. I’ll buy the diesel for the night.”

Her eyes widened as Paul rushed off. Tears pricked her eyes, heart melting at Kennedy’s kindness. She would have figured it out, but it would have been later, after controlling her irrational panic of darkness in thunderstorms. However, him stepping in instantly made her recall why she’d fallen in love with him in the first place.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“It’s nothing,” he said, reversing his vehicle after Paul handed him the gallon. Before driving into the road, he clicked off another call.



Rain blew into Kennedy’s Mercedes SUV as the slim woman hurried in. She was quite different from Ani who was all rounded and had filled his passenger seat nicely.

“I’ve been waiting,” she snapped, breathing hard from running in the rain.

Kennedy rejected the call again before looking up. “Sorry. The rain isn’t allowing for speed, especially on flooded roads.”

“I hope that’s not an excuse not to drop me at home. I can’t wade in poto-poto o,” she bristled, using the local word for mud.

“Never said I wasn’t dropping you at home,” he responded calmly, clicking off another call. He dropped his phone face down and put the car in gear. The phone vibrated again.

“Won’t you pick that?” she sniped.

“I’m talking with you.”

“You should’ve recalled that you have a son waiting at home for me. He’s scared of thunderstorms. I needed to be there hours ago.”

Ignoring the fact that she’d not been ready when he’d come for her, he asked, “Isn’t he with your mom?”

“It’s not the same.”

“Apologies,” he murmured, focusing on the road. Unbidden thoughts of another person who was scared of thunderstorms filled his mind. As they’d driven to get diesel, Ani confessed to having panic attacks during thunderstorms and worried about the seven days forecast.

With a frown, he wondered what had caused her fear. The woman he’d dated had enjoyed the rain. She’d said it made them cuddle more and made their lovemaking extra intense. Huffing lightly, he shifted in his seat as his body bloomed with recollections of their lovemaking too clearly for someone who’d not seen her in five years.

“See, you need to bond more with Jerry so that he can stop calling you uncle.”

Frowning, he replied, “But I’m his uncle.”

“With his dad gone, you’re now his dad.”

“Joyce, I can be in Jerry’s life without answering dad. Besides, I just met the boy, I’m still getting used to his existence. And while we’re on the topic, I don’t understand why my sister wasn’t aware our elder brother had a kid, when she lives in this town.”

Silence ensued before Joyce said, “Kimberly never liked me.”

 “That is the truth,” Kimberly agreed the next morning, wheezing in her hospital bed. “I never liked Joyce.”

“Kimberly,” he called wearily, touching her rough cornrows, smoothing them. “That’s Kendrick’s son.”

“The boy is cute and all, but his mom is too despicable for me to believe this sudden lie. We wouldn’t be knowing about Jerry if you didn’t return wealthy,” she snapped and ended up coughing roughly.

He suspected this but was yet to have the time to investigate, not with his sick sister. “Alright, don’t get worked up. Are you warm enough? This rain — I need to get you more blankets.” Kennedy hovered, pulling up the blankets to her neck.

Kimberly eyed him, huffing. “If this widening hole in my heart doesn’t kill me, the weight of blankets certainly will.”

She was joking, but panic thrashed his chest. “Stop talking like that,” he heaved, brow furrowed.

“I’m sorry,” she quickly apologised.

A knock came and Kennedy answered in a stressed voice. His thumb and forefinger pressed his eyes as he turned to the window, breathing deeply.

“Hey, Lolli-Bob,” Kimberly called out to the doctor managing her condition whilst they were searching for a good heart surgeon.

Bob Ebe shook his head wryly. Kennedy noticed the thickset man enjoyed Kim’s attention a little more than doctor and patient. He stared at his pale and delicate sister, her slender frame almost lost in the hospital bed, the cheery smile on her face directed at Bob.

“I’m known as Doctor Ebe around here. This Lolli-Bob situation might cause them not to take me seriously.”

“You’re too good to be doubted,” Kim threw back.

“You have a response for everything.” He threw up his hands theatrically before turning to offer a greeting to Kennedy.

With Bob’s answering smile for Kim as he checked her vitals, Kennedy suspected he might be crushing on his sister. His intelligent and unpredictable sister couldn’t be read as usual. He didn’t know if she harbored feelings for Bob or if she was simply being her goofy self. He hoped he was right. It meant Bob would be doing his best to help Kimberly too.

“Any new update, Doc?”

Sighing, Bob shook his head wearily. “None yet. It’s a waiting game now. It’s a situation of knowing someone who knows someone who knows another who knows the surgeon. It’s a long line.”

Kennedy’s jaws tightened in frustration.

Kim huffed. “Hey bro, allow God do His thing.”

He scoffed as Bob excused himself. “I’m not going to wait around with my dick in hand.”

“Eww, bro.” She squeezed her face. “But that’s what faith is, though. Sometimes, it’s waiting instead of doing.”

“I did nothing for Kendrick,” he croaked, pain twisting his belly.

“Our elder brother was a thief and got retribution.”

“I could’ve dissuaded him more, or fought him that day.”

“He would have beaten you to a pulp,” she pointed out. Kendrick had been a giant.


“Kendrick was our senior. His choice wasn’t your fault.”

“I’m saying I’ll do my best for you, even if it’s bad,” he declared.

“You aren’t listening,” she said wearily.

Kennedy held her frail hand. “I’ll listen when you’re out of here.”

“God, I miss Animama right now.” She sighed, shutting her eyes.

He jerked, stepping back. “Why did you say that?” His eyes narrowed.

Kim opened her eyes tiredly. “She could always talk sense into your thick skull.” 

“It’s been five years, and she got married.” Kennedy couldn’t control his accusatory tone.

“She suddenly divorced two years ago. I recall telling you about it.” 

“She left. I wasn’t going to run after her.” 

“Our elder brother was an armed robber, Kennedy. Ani caught you helping his crew with your tech skills. I’d run too if I was her. She did better by not telling anyone. I’m his sister, but I’m glad I don’t have to suffer the stigma of being related to a criminal. For once, Kendrick had the good sense to take off from the crime scene and die someplace else without any weapons on him. Without that, your story of him being a victim would not stick.” 

“Jesus! When did you get so jaded?” He eyed her.

“In case you didn’t notice, I have a hole in my heart.”

Guilt twisted his belly. “Right,” he sighed, rubbing his face. “I saw Anima… Aniema yesterday. I drove her home in the rain.” 

Kim cackled. “I’m definitely getting better. This is a sign.” 

“You’re getting better, yes, but how’s she a sign?” He frowned, hating how he’d been unable to sleep with thoughts of Ani roaming through his mind all night.

“Don’t worry, God’s got me. He’s got you, too. Just believe, bro. Don’t do anything stupid. I’ll not be your excuse.”



Monday started with thoughts of Kennedy. Her Kendy Nerdy as she’d called him because he wasn’t the usual nerd. Hyper smart in tech, but with the supermodel look: tall, muscular, dark, with a pretty face. After five years, he seemed more handsome, more dreamy.

Her belly gushed with warmth as she recalled Saturday night; he’d touched her cheek before driving off. With the diesel he had bought, she had electricity, so she’d been free to analyze her feelings, mostly thinking of him. Ani called her therapist that night to put her emotions in perspective.

“I’ve been expecting your call with the latest forecast.”

The middle-aged woman’s voice calmed her nerves as usual. Ani spoke of feeling protected in Kennedy’s presence. 

Mrs. Ukpong dug until she confessed that he had been the only love of her life. Ani realized, after what happened to her in her marriage, her earlier reservations were gone, and she would be with Kennedy again despite his affiliations with criminals.

Her phone rang, breaking her thoughts. Pausing the flowing design she’d been making on a tall wedding cake, she tapped the pod in her ear to answer the call.

“Hello, sister,” her favourite cousin, Etete, enthused. “How are you coping with the rain?”

Chuckling, she dropped the empty piping bag and collected another from her staff, continuing fluidly even as she noted the darkening weather. Someone turned on the fluorescent light over her workstation. “Well, I missed you when it started, but I called my therapist, so I’m good.”

“Mommy told me,” he said, referring to Ani’s mom who’d fretted for her too. “I could come stay with you. At least, for the forecasted seven days.”

“Absolutely not. I went for NYSC too, so I know impromptu traveling is frowned upon. I won’t put you in trouble because your cousin is a little petrified during thunderstorms.”

“But, sister— “

“No, Etete, I need to overcome this at some point, mm? Perhaps, it’s best now when there’s no one to babysit me.”

“I’m here.”

Ani’s head jerked up at the softly spoken assurance. She lost breath at seeing Kennedy in her shop. She heard murmurs from Etete but didn’t register anything. “Umm, let me call you back,” she tapped the pod, ending the call, suddenly breathing erratically. 

“Kendy,” she said, feeling choked. She shook her head in surprise. “Kennedy, wh-what are you doing here?”

His chuckle warmed her belly as he walked round the table to where she stood. “You can call me whatever you’re comfortable with, Ani.” 

She dared not continue decorating if she didn’t want to destroy the job.

With his mouthwatering scent in her nose, facing his broad chest, her brain became mush. “Umm-“

“Oh, Ani, aren’t you tired?” he asked, eyes soft as he held her gaze.

“Hmm?” She frowned.

“You’ve been running through my mind since I dropped you off on Saturday.”

Her mouth dropped open, belly fluttering furiously. She was also aware of her staff hovering around as sniggers and murmurs erupted behind her, meaning they’d heard his words. This had never happened before. She was sure to be the topic of gossip by her staff and trainees.

“Oh my God,” she whimpered, her face heating up. Handing off the piping bag, she said, “Beatrice, finish this.” 

“Yes, ma,” her staff said in a strained voice, obviously controlling her mirth.

Looking up and loosening her apron, she pointed to a side door. “Let’s see in my office.”

Her nerves jumped as Kennedy followed her down the corridor. Her heart flew when he turned the lock and clasped her upper arm, pulling softly until her back met the wood. His hands settled familiarly on her round hips while he buried his nose in her bound hair, inhaling noisily.

“I can’t get you off my mind,” he blurted gruffly. “I don’t want to feel this way. I want to be angry with you, but I also want to recall the softness of your lips. You’ve always been my soft spot, mama.”

Ani’s heavy heartbeats echoed in her ears as his nose dragged up the side of her face. Her eyes fluttered as she felt his hard longing against her belly, an answering heat erupting in her abdomen. Flashes of them together in the past had her yearning for him.

She softened, her body pliant when he feathered a kiss on her lips; so unsatisfying. 

“I want to erase that man’s touch from your mind and paste mine. Would you want that, mama?” he growled in her ear, hand sliding down to lift her thigh, pressing his arousal on her core. Wind picked up outside, shaking her window pane, mirroring the speed of her pulse.

Moaning, she nodded, yet recalled where they were. “But we can’t do this here,” she panicked. “I-I’ll be loud,” she confessed without shame.

Kennedy’s eyes smouldered. He bit her lower lip and suckled. “I’ll gladly swallow all your moans.” Thunder blasted, mirroring the eruption of desire in her body. “Even the weather has your back. You can be as loud as you want,” he grabbed her buttocks, squeezing rhythmically.

Hot wetness pooled at her core, yet old fear surfaced. The lightning’s reflection on the window reminded her of a previous helplessness.

He must have seen her panicked eyes. Kennedy tenderly cupped her cheeks, bringing her gaze back to him. “Hey, I’m not going to ask what spoiled the rain for you.”

Thank God, she thought. Vocalising the reason for her anxiety would bring shame and destroy this deliciousness.

“But I’m here to make it better again. Let my dick nudge back the memories of happy rainy days,” he whispered, wetly kissing her neck.

Hands grabbing his t-shirt, she moaned, arching her back from the door and pressing her body on his. “Yes!”

“Fuck, can’t take it anymore.” He bent, grabbed her beneath her arse and brought her to her oak table.

They were both panting, their lips a hairsbreadth apart. Sweet anticipation niggled her nerves, bringing a loud moan, which he swallowed as he ravaged her mouth. His hands seemed to be everywhere, doing particular things that had sparks erupting in her brain. Kennedy gobbled her up, tongue tasting every corner of her mouth while managing to suck her tongue, driving her crazy.

“Fucking missed these breasts,” he husked, practically tearing her dress off her shoulder. Her big breasts looked vulgar in her purple bra. He growled, attacking the globes with tongue and teeth.

Ani was aware of the heavy rain beating down, yet, she knew if anyone came to her door, they wouldn’t have to imagine what was happening.

Kennedy was wild. He wrenched down her bra, moaning when her breasts tumbled out. While he suckled, her eyelids fluttering close in ecstasy, her hands mindlessly found his fly.

“Go for it, baby. Take what you want,” he encouraged, unknowingly restoring her stolen courage.

Sinking her hand through his unzipped jeans, she breached his boxers, grabbing the hot, throbbing length; the memory of dark, thick flesh flashing in her mind. Kennedy jerked, undulating, unconsciously fucking her hand. Throat spasming, Ani blurted words she’d not have dared in her marriage. “Remind my pussy of the thickness of your dick, Kendy. I’ve missed it. I’ve missed you terribly,” she cried.

“Fuck! That’s it!” he gritted out, shoving her dress up. He cursed at the sight of her tights. “Lift up for me,” he demanded, wrenching the Spanx down together with her panties. His nose flared, eyes focused on her exposed privates. “I can smell your sweetness,” he said, sinking a thick middle finger in.

Ani arched, jerking at the sharp pleasure spearing up her abdomen. “Oh Lord!”

“Sopping wet for me,” he observed, adding another finger, making it tighter. Her moan increased. “Hmmm,” he hummed, licking his cream-stained fingers. “Still delicious. Open those beautiful thick thighs for me, you fucking luscious woman,” he commanded, pinching her hanging breasts, fiddling with the nipples while he pulled a condom from his back pocket.

His words sent sparks to her brain, cancelling out previous negative words. Quickly, sheathing his thick, long length, he held her gaze. “Now, remember,” he said, and thrust into her inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt.

Ani cried out, thrashing on her table like one possessed. Oh, she’d been possessed by Kennedy’s cock. He filled her up so nicely, she was sure she’d never be hungry for food again.

Not wasting time, he pulled her to the edge, spread his legs and went to town, pounding her like she’d not known she needed. There were lots of yeses, oh Lords, and the rare fuck when it got too much. Ani caught Kennedy’s wildness. They muttered gibberish to each other, kissing, biting and moaning with abandon. They could’ve been in a room, not an office.

“Oh, I remember,” Ani cried, truly recalling the flight up a crest. Her body bloomed brightly as pleasure took over. She was shaking uncontrollably when she toppled. She had no idea what she’d screamed. However, when she realised herself again, she was grateful for the heavy downpour outside.

Kennedy kissed her tenderly, contrasting with the wildness a few minutes prior. She hated missing his climax but got a consolation prize when he groaned while pulling out of her. Ani trembled a little, loving it too much. Leaning forward, he kissed her again, his hands pinching her nipples like he couldn’t help it.

His phone started vibrating again, having done so twice already. “You should answer that,” she suggested against his lips, even as he kept kissing her.

“Not important. I’ll be back to take you to a late lunch,” he declared, widening his eyes at her to get a response.

Heart trilling, she nodded eagerly. “Okay.”

“Now, I’ll need tissues to clean us up.”



Kennedy regretted agreeing to bond with Jerry today. Firstly, after the mind-blowing time he’d experienced in Ani’s office, his vehicle stopped moving halfway on his journey to buying Kim’s medications. Bob had connected him to a legit pharmacy that sold cheaper than the hospital did.

Nothing could steal his joy, though. He called his mechanic, waited a few minutes for him to get there before ordering a Bolt ride. 

Feeling ecstatic and light, he asked the driver to operate offline, as he had many locations to reach and didn’t want to keep booking different rides.

By the time it was noon, he was picking Jerry from Joyce’s office for their bonding time. Unfortunately, the mechanic called for his attention and it started raining. He huffed. Talk about annoying timing. Still, the thought of seeing Ani again kept him upbeat. Nothing, not even the stupid downpour or his faulty car, could steal his joy.

“You brought the kid to the hospital,” Kim pointed out.

Sighing, he nodded. “Had to bring your food and medications. My car is at the mechanic. With this rain, my taxi bill is already building towards 25k. I’ve to get the car, but I don’t think it’s okay to carry a four-year-old around in this weather.”

“Sounds like a lot,” Kim said, pulling the docile boy to sit on her bed. Kennedy quickly helped her, afraid she’d stress her heart.

“You don’t know the half of it. I have less than three hours to get my car, come back for Jerry, and take him someplace nice for bonding time. We might do ice cream.”

“It’s raining and cold, bro.”

“Shit. Maybe we’ll do pies and soft drinks. Then I’ll take him home before hurrying… somewhere.”

Her eyes widened curiously. “Somewhere? You give details and then end with somewhere?”

Ah, shit.

“I’m taking Ani to lunch. A late lunch or early dinner, whatever,” he sputtered, scratching his bearded jaw.

Kim cleared her throat exaggeratedly, laughing. Thankfully, Bob walked in then. 

“Hey, I thought you were off duty today?” He pounced on something else.

Bob seemed nervous. “I’m visiting a friend.” When Kim cleared her throat again, Bob sighed. “I’m visiting her.”

“Oh,” Kennedy exclaimed, turning to Kim.

“Don’t look at me like that. You’re back with the love of your life. You can’t begrudge me getting to know mine,” she pouted, holding Jerry to her side with utmost care, despite her suspicion that he wasn’t family.

When he turned, Bob looked stunned. “You love me?” 

Apparently, he’d walked into a weird telenovela. 

Kim eyed Bob playfully, “Duh! Why else am I eager to taste your lolli-?”

“Jesus Christ, Kim. There’s a child in the room. Fuck!”

“Language!” she sniped, even though she was giggling.

Huffing, he turned to Bob and pointed, “Doc, outside, now.” He reached the door but Bob walked towards the bed instead. Groaning, Kennedy stepped sideways and pulled him out of the room. 

“Don’t hurt him,” Kim called out before the door shut. 

“What was that?” Kennedy demanded, glad the corridor was currently empty.

“I… I don’t know. I’m shocked,” he exclaimed, flustered.

“So, you don’t love her?” His heart broke for Kim.

“Don’t love…? Look at me and her,” Bob spread his arms. “She’s high above me. I’ve crushed on her for the longest time. I never thought she’d want me like that. I love her,” he husked, looking close to tears.

Sighing in relief, Kennedy grabbed his shoulder. “Good. Now we’ve got to save her.”

“Yes,” he enthused. “Already spoken to my contacts. They’re actively trying to meet and convince Doctor Ekpeyong to, at least, review her file.”

“Feels like it’ll take too long.” Kennedy paced.

Reducing his voice, Bob said, “But you can’t commit a crime for a mere connection. It’ll break Kim’s heart.”

“It’ll mend it,” he declared determinedly.

“After my long day being dragged in too many directions, your presence calms me, Ani.”

Heart hammering, she shook her head, recalling that he’d always been good with words.

“I’m glad.”

“You look beautiful,” he intoned, his eyes filled with admiration. She’d had to change her dress because he’d torn the other one.

Eyelids fluttering, she murmured her thanks as servers brought their food and drinks. Kennedy chose rice with shrimp sauce, while she went for yam porridge. 

“Ah, I see yam is still a favourite.” He smiled.

“And white rice on any weird sauce is still yours,” she countered, her heart warming at how much they knew of each other.

“It’s unbeatable, white rice…”

“…is king,” Ani completed one of his constant phrases, enjoying his deep chuckle.

They ate their meal in silence, with long stares in between. 

“Enjoyed the meal?”

She nodded with a smile. “Yes. Thank you,” she said, before sipping her juice. 

Tense silence ensued. Kennedy cleared his throat. “I recall this silence from the past. Means you want to talk, Ani.”

Smiling, she placed her glass of juice on the table. “Can we be as honest as we used to?” She held his gaze.

He frowned, and nodded. “Sure.” He sat up, arms on the table.

“What are we doing, Kennedy?” she asked in a shaky voice. Ani was intentional about never getting hurt again by any man.

He held her gaze. “Rekindling the best love story of my life.” 

Heart melting but flustered, she choked. “Even after I ran?”

Kennedy’s mouth twisted, reminding her of his broody nature. Taking a deep breath, he said, “You had a reason.”

“My swift marriage must’ve hurt you,” she husked, eyes smarting.

He inhaled sharply. “What do you want me to say, Ani, mm?” His anger showed.

Lowering her gaze, she said, “I’m just confused about all of this. I can’t deny that I hurt you with the swift marriage, as though our relationship meant nothing. I’m sorry about that. I broke my own heart with that irrational decision. All I can say is that I was trying to forget you. The crime thing spooked me.”

“I understand—”

“If you want something casual because you’re in town, I… I wouldn’t mind or blame you for it,” she stuttered before losing courage. Ani wanted more with Kennedy, but she valued honesty above all. Marriage had taught her about putting all cards on the table.

“Fuck,” he sighed. “Why would you say that?”

Swallowing hard, she apologised. “I just… I want things to be clear, especially, as you have a girlfriend.”

“Huh?” He seemed genuinely confused.

“The woman you were picking up at the radio station.”

“Jesus!” He shut his eyes in exasperation. “She’s not my girlfriend,” he declared.

Ani tried to read his tired expression. “If you say so,” she capitulated. “But I don’t mind something casual as long as I’m aware. I’ll also appreciate a notification when, umm, it’s reached the end.”

Kennedy’s mouth dropped, then his eyes narrowed. “What happened to you?” he whispered.

Deep sigh. “I married a sadist.” 

“Did he hurt you?” 

Pain twisted her belly. “Yes.” 

“Messed up the rains for you?” 

“Mm-hmm.” She choked out, struggling not to cry. 

“Where can I find this arsehole?” he growled.

Startled, she asked, “For what?” 

“To fuck him up.” he responded matter-of-factly. 

Breathing deeply, Ani couldn’t control the blast of arousal his words stoked. “Will you sleep over at my place tonight?”

Kennedy recalled how it had been between them, fierce and passionate. When he’d heard of her marriage, he’d been devastated, concluding that she had never loved him. It had been difficult trying to get over her.

He presently didn’t know what he wanted. He was glad the conversation had moved away from that query for a moment. Kennedy concentrated on rolling a piece of ice in his mouth while helping Ani out of her dress.

From the corner of his eyes, he sensed the spaciousness of her dimly lit room but was too enamored with her to care. 

Ani had wondered why he needed ice. He almost swallowed the melting piece when her beautiful breasts appeared.

“Lie down for me, mama,” he coaxed, crunching the ice while discarding his clothes. Her naked buttocks as she crawled on the bed had him wheezing. She’d gotten slightly thicker in five years and more beautiful.

Crawling over her, he dived for her boobs. When his lips touched her nipples, sucking deeply, icy mouth on hot skin, her loud cry and sharp arch wasn’t only satisfying but fired a wildness in his blood. He wanted to pound her into the bed.

He’d followed his wild emotions in the morning, fucking her on her table. 

Kennedy needed to take time to enjoy her entire luscious body now. God! Her smooth skin inspired biting; his teeth ached with the need. Her moans encouraged his exploration of her body.

“Kendy,” she gasped when his kisses moved between her thighs.

“Widen for me, love,” he croaked, mouth flooding as he anticipated her taste. She was drenched from his foreplay.

Fuck, he’d forgotten how fleshy her pussy was. Leaning in, he softly kissed her mound, his tongue niggling her slit but not penetrating. Ani thrashed, her moans going crazy, crazier than she had been in the office.

Holding her steady, Kennedy groaned as his tongue finally slipped through her shaved, thick lower lips. The smoothness of her hot cream and musk inebriated him. He growled when his tongue lashing made her gush a climax, providing more juice.

“Please, Kennedy,” she gasped, her hips jerking up.

“What do you want?” he husked, biting her inner thigh.

“Fuck me, please.”

Her vulgar plea unraveled him, snapping the last thread of his control as he positioned himself above her. He grabbed protection, making quick work of sheathing his stone-hard length. Lining up, he held her gaze as he slowly fed his cock into the sweetest pussy he’d ever fucked.

“Can’t believe I survived five years without this… without you,” he grated, frowning as he painstakingly pulled out, sinking back in.

“Oh God, I can’t believe it either,” she blubbered, caressing his body, biting his pecs.

Too soon, he was at the edge. Ani’s wet flesh strangled his cock, barely allowing a withdrawal. Kennedy slowed even more, grabbing her large breasts and practically devouring them to calm his ardor. He switched to kissing her, but it turned passionate, leading to the same quick end.

“Damn it,” he cursed, leaning up. His hand slipped between their bodies, massaging her swollen clit. He recalled that it always got her over the edge.

The explosion was instant. The mix of her fleshy cunt, the warmth of her cum, pushed him over moments later. He growled as he hurtled, free-falling in ecstasy.



A vibration woke him up. It sounded like a heavy-duty vehicle. Yawning, his mouth watered at the aroma of freshly baked bread. His stomach rumbled. 

After a night of carnalities, of course, he was starving.

Still in his boxers, he strolled out of the bedroom, following the tantalizing aroma beckoning him to the kitchen. He adored Ani’s big and modern house, but nothing beat the sight of her standing in front of the cooker, wearing a skimpy peach lingerie that caressed her thick, curvy frame.

His cock stiffened as though he’d not fucked her left, right and centre the entire night.

Barely breathing, he approached her, plastering his hardness on her buttocks, reaching around her to grab her breasts. 

Her reaction was natural. Giggling, she moaned when he undulated, dry-humping her soft buttocks. She pushed back as he kissed her neck, kneading her barely covered breasts.

“I hoped you’d still be sleeping,” she murmured, bending her neck for him.

“Bed got cold,” he mumbled. Turning her around from frying sausages, he kissed her thoroughly. “What’s this noise?”

“They’re filling my diesel tank,” she responded.

“Rich kid flex,” he teased, kissing her, hands sliding under her lingerie. He groaned when he realised she was naked.

“Oh, fuck. Have to check the food,” she whined, still kissing him helplessly.

“So, check it,” he said, turning her around. His hand found her clit, stroking it while pulling down his boxers.

Sometime in the night, they’d graduated into going without protection. He was clean, but they’d had a conversation, both agreeing they had missed feeling each other without a rubber between them. He assured her of his clean state, even showing her his test results in his mail. Ani explained she’d been with no one else after her divorce, and she took pills. 

She bent over, her hand blindly turning off the cooker.

“Oh, fuck,” he groaned as he slid into her liquid heat. It was about to end before it began, so he did what he knew, worrying her clit while shunting into her cove continuously. 

He took care not to be forceful as her hand was close to the hot pan. He almost shouted hallelujah when she flushed his dick with her cum. Slipping out, he shifted her away from the hot pan, bent her over and plowed vigorously. He came by the fifth stroke, biting her shoulder as pleasure fissured his senses.

“Good morning, babe.” He kissed her neck and she chuckled.

“I could get used to that.”

Kennedy swallowed. “Me too.”

Breathing heavily, she waved him to the dining room and proceeded to fix breakfast.

“So, you must be glad the rain has reduced.”

“Truthfully, you’ve made it bearable, so thank you. However, the seven days aren’t even over. I heard some parts of Lagos are having the worst of it,” she said, dropping buttered rolls, sausages and scrambled eggs before him.

His mouth watered. “This looks scrumptious,” he said, lifting a roll to his mouth. 

Ani chuckled. “Tea or juice?”

“Juice, please,” he hummed, enjoying the food.

When she sat down beside him with her food, she grinned. “You like it?”

“You’re asking?” He widened his eyes at her, mouth full. “I see why you’re named the best.”

She bit off a piece of roll and chewed. “Where did you hear that?” She looked amused.

“Your page. Plus, you know the Uyo Facebook community is quite active in comparing vendors. You always come up on top.” 

She chuckled. “I didn’t know that. I have a social media person that handles all online communications.” 

“Cool. The secret recipe they say you have must be a myth.” 

Her laugh was instant. “Ha! They talked about that too?” 

Kennedy grinned. “There’s so much info flying online.” 

“I guess,” she said, scooping up eggs. “They must have heard about it from my previous interviews.” 


“It’s no big deal, just something my grandmother wrote for me. It helps me when my business is struggling. She’d also been a baker.” 

“Yeah, you told me she inspired your love for baking.” 

She nodded. “Well, I guess it’s a secret if I store it in my safe, right?” She joked, twisting his belly. There was a safe beside her bed. “Although, it’s to protect the paper. I should’ve framed it eons ago. It deserves to hang at my office.” 

“I admire your passion,” he said truthfully.

“Thank you,” she beamed, standing. “You done?” 

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle the dishes. Go shower so you won’t be late.” 

“Thank you.” Leaning down, she kissed him sweetly. He slapped her arse as she left, enjoying her giggle.

Hurrying with the dishes, Kennedy’s heart raced as he entered Ani’s bedroom while she showered. 

Staring at the safe, he battled within himself, hoping he’d be unable to open it. But he knew Ani. He tried his birthdate and it opened, breaking his heart. 

The sheet of paper was a simple prayer with the heading Secret Recipe. Huffing, he contemplated for a minute. What the fuck am I doing? he thought, his heart hammering at what this meant. Would he be able to live with himself after hurting Ani in this manner? She would not want to have anything to do with him after this betrayal, but he had to save his sister. Taking a deep breath, he picked up his jeans from the bed, shoving the paper into the pocket.

“What’s up with you?” Kim pinned him with a searching stare.

“You mean apart from worrying about you?” he joked.

“Yes, apart from that.” She remained serious.

“Well, Joyce is being a pain. She won’t stop calling.” 

That made her laugh. “I bet she wanted to worm her way into your life as a wife.” 

“Ha! Ridiculous. Not after the DNA results from the real father. God, so we would’ve been stuck with a kid that isn’t blood?” Kennedy should’ve done a DNA test the moment Joyce appeared. But he’d been overwhelmed with Kim, especially hearing she’d been admitted. He’d dropped everything at Abuja and rushed back.

“I would have insisted on it at some point, but thank God Jerry’s real dad wants him. No kid deserves to be sold off to the highest bidder.”

“I agree,” Kennedy nodded, staring out the window from his seat. 

When the older man called him some days back, stating he wanted to talk about Jerry, Kennedy had simply been curious. It turned out the man had come armed with a paternity test naming him Jerry’s father. Joyce had told him that she had a serious relationship with Kennedy, so the man wanted custody of his child. It was a good development, as Kennedy didn’t think Joyce was a competent mom. Her saying she was in a serious relationship with him was ridiculous, and he told Jerry’s father so.

Kim’s light cough snagged his attention. He turned with raised eyebrows. “But that’s not the issue with you, bro,” Kim circled back. He almost groaned. “You’ve been sunshine these past few days since you hooked up with Animama. Did you guys quarrel or something?”  

Or something, Kennedy thought. He changed his mind. “No, we didn’t quarrel.” He couldn’t tell Kim what he had done.

“I noticed you’ve not told her about me.” 

Guilt scraped his chest. “I don’t know why I haven’t already. But I will,” he assured her with a smile.

His phone rang; he showed the caller to Kim. “Hey, baby,” he answered, lip twitching when Kim wriggled her eyebrows.

“Hi,” she murmured shyly. How could she be shy after everything they’d done these past two days? “Am I seeing you tonight?”

 Without thought, he blurted, “Why don’t I show you my house today?” 

“Really? I’d liked that,” she said, barely curbing her excitement.

It made him happy. He wanted to be with her again. No woman brought him joy and peace like his Aniema. “Alright, I’ll come pick you up. Pack a bag,” he tacked on, rolling his eyes when Kim sniggered.

“Smooth. I like her for you. I’ve always liked her,” Kim commented, smiling.

“High praise coming from you.” 

Another call came in, Kennedy looked down and sighed before answering in a downcast tone. “Hello.” He noticed Kim frowning.

“You finally pick your call. I guess your sister’s life isn’t important anymore.” 

“I’ll come see you in an hour,” he said, ending the call.

“Who was that?” 

“No one important.” 

“But it brought gloom to your face again.” 

Sighing, he stood, kissed her temple and promised to see her the next day.

“I’m out. I won’t do it,” Kennedy declared the moment he walked into Fiona Young’s posh office. 

Chuckling, the light skinned, freakishly stylish woman leaned back in her swivel chair, twirling a pen. “Kennedy, you’re such a disappointment.” 

“Come on, Fiona, you shouldn’t use my sister’s life to bargain for something so paltry. I believe you can discover your own secret recipe.” 

“She must have a magic pussy for you to be saying this now. Isn’t this the same woman who flung you away like trash?” 

Old pain pinched his chest. “That was the past.” 

“You think she won’t do it again?” 

“Fiona, we practically grew up together. My sister, you know, Kimberly, needs help. I beg you, just talk to your dad to convince Doctor Ekpeyong to take up her case, please.”

“I’m sorry, that’s impossible.” 


“Because my dad doesn’t know any Doctor Ekpeyong. You think wealthy people hang together in one spot? Only a poor person would think that.” She laughed raucously, head flung backwards. 

Kennedy panicked, frowning. “So, what were you planning to do after I’d stolen the recipe?” 

“Offer you money.”

 “Money? Did I say money was my issue?” He had money. It was just disheartening how money couldn’t help his sister as swiftly as he wanted.

“I most likely would’ve kept you posted,” she shrugged carelessly. 

“You fucking demon,” he gritted out, fury burning his eyes. Kennedy could barely hold himself back from jumping over the table and punching her.

“Whatever. Get out of my office, I’ll find another way to strip that imposter of her feigned respectability.”

“If you put this energy into perfecting your craft, you probably wouldn’t need to depend on your daddy’s money while peddling rubbish confections to the masses.” 

Her face hardened. “Watch your tongue.”

“Or what? You’ll stone me with your latest wedding cake?” A lady had called Fiona out on Facebook for delivering a terrible cake, while praising Ani for saving her wedding on short notice.

“Get out!”

“Fucking useless piece of shit,” he spat before walking out.



Ani grinned like a lunatic as she listened to Kennedy whistling in the bathroom. When he picked her up yesterday, he’d been gloomy. He had said he was just tired, but he had looked like the world was on his shoulders.

She’d offered him a massage that’d ended with both of them singing in ecstasy. Through the night, they’d talked little and fucked more.

Kennedy had asked her not to bother about breakfast. He wanted to cook for her. “I need to treat you like my queen,” he’d said, kissing her breathless.

An incessant pounding on the front door broke her dreamy thoughts. “Umm, Kendy, I think there’s someone at the door,” she called out.

“Please, check it for me. Thanks,” he called back.

“Alright,” she said, pulling on shorts under her sleep shirt before leaving the room. Walking through the house, she admired the simple architectural design of his recently bought home. She was glad he had done well for himself in the past few years.

Ani unlocked and opened the door to a furious woman, who blew into the house like the wind blowing outside; another rain harbinger.

“Excuse me, can I help you?” she snapped, frowning at the rude woman.

The slender intruder rested her hands on her hips. “You can’t, but I’ll help you. I’m Joyce and I have a question. How can you sleep with a man who has a son?”

Ani shifted backwards as though slapped, her mouth dropped. Had she slept and magically fallen into a Nollywood movie?

“Do you want to destroy our family? When I heard about you, I thought it was a lie.”

“Joyce?” Kennedy’s shocked tone made Ani turn, catching him hurrying into the sitting room. His jeans trousers were unbuttoned and his body still wet from his recent shower. Then his shock morphed to some sort of realisation. “What the fuck are you doing here?” he seethed through clenched teeth.

“When you’ve not seen your son in days, I had to come to you,” Joyce clicked her tongue.

“Are you insane? Jerry isn’t my son! Didn’t his dad just run a DNA test?” He turned to a stunned Ani, pleading, “Ani, it’s not true. I’ll have to explain.” 

“Explain how you abandoned your only sister with a heart defect at the hospital and stole this woman’s secret recipe to sell,” Joyce reported with a gleeful smile while her words decimated Ani.

“Get out!!!” Kennedy roared, his fury as volatile as the thunder blasting outside.

Ani didn’t wait around to see if she left. She rushed off to pack her things. All she wanted then was a safe place to examine her life. 

What had she done to deserve despicable men? She didn’t claim to be perfect, but she wasn’t a bad person. Why did this keep happening to her? 

Hot tears glided down her cheeks as she unzipped her overnight bag.

Kennedy burst into the room. “I told her to leave, or I would call the police. She left,” he announced unnecessarily. When Ani didn’t respond, still shoving clothes into her bag, he said in a cracked tone, “Please baby, listen to me.”

Hissing, she lifted her bag, pushing by him to leave the room. “I’ve been listening for days. I knew it was too good to be true. You stole from me! Oh God, not again,” she cried, rushing to the front door, but it immediately started raining heavily. 

“Always on a rainy day. I must be cursed. Why didn’t I bring my car?” She asked no one while pacing the verandah. Ani felt like she was going mad. It had to be a curse, she thought. No other explanation was feasible.

 “Baby, just…please, listen.”

His pleading mien annoyed her. Fuming, she snapped, “Don’t touch me!”

“Please come back inside. I swear, there’s an explanation.” 

Ani had no choice. No matter how angry and hurt she felt, there was no leaving in this rain. She even vaguely wondered if the woman, Joyce, had been caught in the rain. 

Sighing in resignation, she dropped her bag by the door and marched to a single stuffed seat, slumping on it. She wanted no room for Kennedy to sit beside her. 

But the man pulled up his coffee table, sitting in front of her.

“Why?” She sobbed. “Why would you…?” she choked, hot tears gushing from her eyes. “My ex-husband strangled me, Kennedy,” she blubbered. “He tried to kill me for my life insurance.”

“What?!” He stood, sat down again, his hands going to his head. “What?”

“If not for my cousin, I’d be dead.” 


The words rushed out. “He pretended to travel and called my cousin to send him on a wild errand. Then he came into the house. It was dark, raining heavily when he attacked me. Fortunately, my cousin forgot his phone that he was supposed to use to make transfers for the purchase. He rescued me.”

Now that she’d opened up about her painful past, Ani couldn’t seem to stop talking. 

 “Apparently, he was owing some bad people. I’d have paid it if he had talked to me,” she cried, her tone broken, the terror and pain flushing through her.

“Just like I didn’t talk to you. I’m so sorry, Ani,” Kennedy sniffled, going on his knees before her. “I was trying to save Kim. She’s in the hospital with a hole in her heart.” 

“Oh my God!” Ani forgot herself, instantly concerned about Kennedy’s goofy sister. “Why didn’t you tell me this?” 

“I swear, I don’t know. There was our past together, my anger at you, then the anger disappeared, but I just couldn’t bring myself to ask for your help. It felt easier to steal the recipe for Fiona so that her dad would connect us to the surgeon.” 

Had he gotten close to her just for that? Fresh hurt twisted her heart. God, she’d been falling in love with him again. “Why am I not surprised Fiona is behind this? So did you?” 

“I did, then I put it back.” 

Disappointment filled her chest, even as she wiped her teary eyes. “But how could you keep Kim’s condition away from me? What’s her status? What does she need?” If she focused on helping his sister, maybe the betrayal wouldn’t hurt so badly. 

Kennedy was the one sobbing now. “Oh God, Ani.” Regret clouding his eyes, he grabbed her knees. 

His touch caused a wave of arousal fluttering through her body. God, how could her stupid body be responding to him in this serious moment?

When she kept a stern mien, he answered, “A doctor. We’ve been trying to get one Doctor Ekpeyong-“

 “The heart surgeon at Premier Health, Lagos?” She interrupted him.

His eyes widened. “Yes, how did you know?” 

“He’s my uncle.” 

“Fuck!” Kennedy sat on his haunches, looking shocked, while she pulled out her phone and dialled a number.

“Hello, mom, I need uncle’s private number…”

Almost two weeks later, Kim looked fully recovered. Ani had connected Doctor Ekpeyong to Kim’s case in less than a day. 

Bob emailed the case file and Ekpeyong flew out two days later, only after confirming that the hospital had state-of-the-art equipment for the surgery.

Kennedy had fretted until Kim was wheeled out of the theatre. Despite her recent good health, rosy cheeks, bright eyes, and her cheery attitude, Kennedy still fretted. 

Then there was Ani, his fucking angel. Kim had teased him to no end about playing with the devil when God presented him a solution right under his nose. 

Ani wouldn’t answer his incessant calls, though, but would speak with Kim for hours. She’d visited Kim on her last day in the hospital, ignoring him and focusing on his sister.

“For the umpteenth time, go to her, you numbskull,” Kim said, coming to sit in the sitting room.

“I’ll not leave you alone.”

Just then, Bob walked into the house. “Who missed me?” He grinned.

“I did!” Kim exclaimed, getting up to hug him, then turned to Kennedy, “You were saying?”

Rolling his eyes, he got to his feet, knowing he had no choice. 

He did need to speak to Ani. If nothing else, to apologise and thank her. He needed her to forgive him and accept his eternal gratitude for saving his only family.

“Thank you for opening the door for me.”

“It’s not like I’d let you stand in the rain,” she muttered, reluctantly, eyes looking over his shoulder as she pouted. Her lips were so inviting, he wished he could capture them in a passionate kiss.

Kennedy swallowed, pushing back his longing. This was no time for that. They needed to talk first.

He was thankful for the rain that began just as he got to her house. Rain was an integral part of their story, he thought wryly. 

He’d practised his speech while driving down, but right now, his head was blank.

“I have a question.”

“Jerry isn’t my son,” he blurted, afraid he’d not convinced her of it.

Her beautiful chubby hand waved off his words. “Kim told me all about that.”

“Oh.” His shoulders dropped, eyes lowered as he tried not to feel stupid.

“The radio station, the first day we met, was that staged with Fiona?”

“No! That was a freakish coincidence. I’d already asked Fiona for help, and she’d asked me to steal from you, which meant connecting with you again. I was still considering it when we met.” Shame warmed his face. 

“Yeah. You see, I find myself wondering if it was all a lie, everything you said.” Her voice hitched, then she blew out a breath.

Where would he start to mend this hurt? “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t mean them. My emotions-” He choked on said emotions, breathing deeply before continuing. “My emotions were mixed up at first. There was anger, revenge, but most of all, I just wanted to save Kim.”

He rolled his thumbs over his fingers nervously, afraid he would lose her if he couldn’t convince her. “Yet, when I saw you at that radio station, it was as though I got slapped, like someone punched my heart,” he explained, touching his chest.

“Why so violent?” she muttered, lips twitching in mirth while staring at her hands.

Kennedy wanted to grab and kiss her thoroughly. But he could only huff in exasperation. “I struggled with the decision, especially as I started falling in love with you again,” he confessed. 

Her chest rose in a deep inhale. “Are you still…working with criminals?”

“Not since you caught me.”

His response seemed to satisfy her as she nodded.

He noticed her neck undulate in a swallow. “I have trust issues, and you fueled it by your actions,” she rasped, tears glistening in her eyes. 

Kennedy hated himself for hurting her. Rising to his feet, he knelt down before her again, and he’d do so as long as it took to gain her forgiveness. “Animama, I don’t mind spending time to earn back your trust.” He held her gaze.

“I’ll repeat myself, do you want a fling with me?” She searched his eyes and he saw her dread and damn sweet soul. He wished he could find her ex-husband and punch him a few times for what he’d done to her.

“A fling will never be enough, baby. I love you. I never stopped loving you.”

Silence ensued while she held his gaze, his heart racing. “Well, I love you too,” she finally said wryly, dragging a whoop from his throat.

Standing, he pulled her up, hugging her fiercely. “Fuck, mama.” He squeezed her tighter, nuzzling her neck. “Thank you. Thank God. Let’s never separate again, okay?” he pleaded.

She nodded, her arms also squeezing him to herself. “Okay. Thank you for forgiving me for running, instead of talking.”

Kennedy’s heart felt like bursting with happiness. “Thank you for forgiving me now. I love you, Aniema Julius.”

“I love you, too, my Kendy Nerdy.”

Both laughed at her cartoonish voice, a goofiness from the past that was ready to hype their present and future happiness.

Author Bio

Emem Bassey loves romance in all its forms. Her romance is garnished with sprinkles of other genres. She writes sexy romance featuring plus size heroines. She started writing at age 17 and never looked back. Emem staunchly believes that the world is already full of tragedies so she writes to entertain and lighten the heart. She has over forty published works that can be found here: She lives in the South of Nigeria (Akwa Ibom State) and is practically a ghost to her neighbors.


The Duct Series (1-6)

Duct (Duct Series #1)

Chance Happened (Duct Series #2)

Deep, Dark and Dangerous (Duct Series #3)

Moms (Duct Series #4) 

Loosened (Duct Series #5)

Fate Happened (Duct Series #6)

The Ubiak-Etto Series

Aunty Vero (Ubiak-etto Series #1)

The Unromantic Series (1-4)

Random (Unromantic Series #1)

Hurricane (Unromantic Series #2)

Prude (Unromantic Series #3)

Chaos (Unromantic Series #4)

The Age Is No Bother Series(1-4)

Fine Wine (Age is no Bother Series #1)

Fine Maple (Age is no Bother Series #2) 

Fine Scotch (Age is no Bother Series #3)

Fine Ending (Age is no Bother Series #4) 

Retired Navy Men Series(1-3)

Fair Odds (Retired Navy Men Series #1)

Like Ours (Retired Navy Men Series #2) 

Fave Ogre (Retired Navy Men Series #3)

More Series

Once Upon A Christmas Eve (More Series #1)

Small Town Tales Series(1-3)

Tutored For Each Other (Small Town Tales Series #1)

Crafted For Each Other (Small Town Tales Series #2)

Scripted For Each Other (Small Town Tales Series #3)

A Ridiculous Royal Tale Series (1-2)

Inside Out (A Ridiculous Royal Tale Series #1)

Pristine (A Ridiculous Royal Tale Series #2)

Diamond Saga Series(1-2)

A Tycoon and Circumstance (Diamond Saga Series #1)

A Runaway and Circumstance (Diamond Saga Series #2)

Shots Fired Series

Shots Fired (Shots Fired Series #1)

Hooked Up (Shots Fired Series #2)

Love Series

Love’s Courage (Love Series #1)

Love’s Present (Love Series #2) 



Bryan’s Desire 

My Neighbour’s Maid (+ bonus story – Meant For Us)

Saving Sunny 

Forever Destiny 

00:00 AM (Dawn of Hope)


Lethal Affair

Baby’s Angels

Upside Down


Never Imagined (free on the blog)

Anthology: Satayaa Africa 2017: Through the Maze – WARS.

Anthology: Love and the Lawless Collection (Love Africa Press) – PURPLE AND WHITE

Anthology: Enchanted Volume #1 Collection (Love Africa Press) – BOND CALL

Enemy Call (spinoff of Bond Call in Enchanted vol.1)

Spirit Call (spinoff of Enemy Call)

Anthology: Love At A Festival Collection 2021 (Love Africa Press) – FULFILLED PROMISE

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