From the shores of Lagos to the busy streetlights of Los Angeles. Featuring remarkable heroines, navigating the buzzing nightlife of Nairobi, irresistible heroes, and dark England knights. Twenty authors weave ...
Flash fiction, Short stories, novella and novels based on Author’s imagination.
From the shores of Lagos to the busy streetlights of Los Angeles. Featuring remarkable heroines, navigating the buzzing nightlife of Nairobi, irresistible heroes, and dark England knights. Twenty authors weave ...
It was a complete standstill for over ten minutes before there was any sign of movement. Horns blared angrily as impatient drivers struggled to maneuver their way out of the ...
‘Wake up, bitch. Your mates are already at work.’ The order was followed by a splash of freezing water, and Rihanna jerked upright, shocked out of her slumber. Slightly disoriented, ...
Her heart thudded in her chest. Fear was a bitter taste in her mouth as she listened to the light thread of his footsteps as he approached her room. She ...
‘I’m sorry to inform you that your services are no longer required in this company.’ Shade dropped to her knees like a bag of wet sand, tears already gathering in ...
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